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Thesis Statements For your Macbeth Final Five Paragraph Essay.

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1 Thesis Statements For your Macbeth Final Five Paragraph Essay

2 You have three body paragraphs Who is most to blame for the killing of Duncan. How the shift occurred in Act III to make Macbeth solidly most to blame and crazy, too. Whether Macbeth had control of his own fate or whether the witches controlled it all.

3 Your Thesis Must encompass all three ideas- Use your grammatical constructions! Although Lady Macbeth is most to blame for the initial heinous murder of Duncan, Macbeth wrestles the power from her, in the process casting suspicion on himself because of his audacity, yet, ultimately, the witches hold all the bloody cards in this game.

4 Another one… Unscrupulously taking control of the power games in Scotland and in his marriage, Macbeth’s public displays of his own flourishing guilt casts unwanted suspicion on him, negating Lady Macbeth’s initial prodding to murder the king, but confirming that he and no one else, holds the keys to his own fate.

5 Use a subordinating conjunction to make a subordinate clause… Although, Until, In order that, Since, So that, Even though, During, When, While, etc. Or use an –ing phrase: Screaming crazily at the thin air, Solitarily plotting the death of Banquo, Taking his warrior power back from Lady Macbeth,

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