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Epistemology In a 2006 article, Jeannette Wing, then a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, discussed computational thinking as.

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Presentation on theme: "Epistemology In a 2006 article, Jeannette Wing, then a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, discussed computational thinking as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epistemology In a 2006 article, Jeannette Wing, then a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, discussed computational thinking as “a way of solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior” that draws on concepts fundamental to computer science. NRC (2010)

2 Technology Fluency is “the ability to reformulate knowledge, to express oneself creatively and appropriately, and to produce and generate information (rather than simply to comprehend it).” NRC (1999) Epistemology 10 years ago

3 Epistemology

4 Technology Fluency is “the ability to reformulate knowledge, to express oneself creatively and appropriately, and to produce and generate information (rather than simply to comprehend it).” NRC (1999) Epistemology present The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom Benkler (2006) Sharing Co-Creating Remixing Crowd-Sourcing Mining Connecting with an Audience Working in Networked Groups Building on the Work of Others Leveraging the Networked Audience Making Sense of the Networked Commons Cooperation and Computational Thinking

5 Challenges to teaching and learning CS Leaking Pipeline

6 Challenges to teaching and learning CS  14,529 students took AP CS A 204,564 Calculus AB 141,321 Bio 96,282 Statistics  AP CS had the worst gender balance of any of the AP tests 18.3% CS A 48.7% Calculus AB 50.2% Statistics Leaking Pipeline

7 Challenges to teaching and learning CS Girls Boys Slide: Julie Benyo, WGBH Leaking Pipeline

8 Learning CS inside school PEN DOWN FORWARD 90 RIGHT TURN 90 The LOGO Years

9 Learning CS outside of school

10 Learning CS outside of schools

11 Learning CS Designing Software Applications Game Designs Media Art Designs Textile Designs Creative Ethical Technologies Arts EthicsMedia Critical Technical w. Kylie Peppler, Indiana University

12 Tools Materials Spaces Communities Learning about CS

13 Tools Materials Spaces Communities With Mitchel Resnick (MIT)

14 Learning about CS Tools Materials Spaces Communities Monroy-Hernamdez, 2009

15 Learning about CS Monroy-Hernamdez, 2009

16 Learning about CS Monroy-Hernamdez, 2009

17 LilyPad Arduino (Buechley, 2008) Learning about CS Tools Materials Spaces Communities

18 Learning about CS Tools Materials Spaces Communities w. Leah Buechley, MIT, Kylie Peppler (Indiana University), Mike Eisenberg (UC Boulder)

19 Technology Fluency is “the ability to reformulate knowledge, to express oneself creatively and appropriately, and to produce and generate information (rather than simply to comprehend it).” NRC (1999) Epistemology present The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom Benkler (2006) Sharing Co-Creating Remixing Crowd-Sourcing Mining Connecting with an Audience Working in Networked Groups Building on the Work of Others Leveraging the Networked Audience Making Sense of the Networked Commons Cooperation and Computational Thinking “a way of solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior”

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