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What is the learning? What is the acquisition? Learning Learning is permanent changes occurring in behaviors as a consequence of experiences, education.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the learning? What is the acquisition? Learning Learning is permanent changes occurring in behaviors as a consequence of experiences, education."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the learning? What is the acquisition?

3 Learning Learning is permanent changes occurring in behaviors as a consequence of experiences, education and instruction.

4 Acquisition. Acquisition is obtaining or acquiring something.


6 Differences Between First and Second Language Acquisition/Learning 1 st Language 2 nd Language Always acquiredAlways learned continual input/interactionsporadic interaction no emotional barriermay be emotional barrier no explicit methodologyfocus on method motivation to comprehendmay be less motivation no "inter-language"reliance on "inter-language"

7 STEPHEN KRASHEN Stephen Krashen is professor emeritus at the University of Southern California, who moved from the linguistics department to the faculty of the School of Education in 1994. He is a linguist, educational researcher, and activist.

8 According to Krashen, people can acquire second language. So, he developed a theory.

9 Krashen's Theory The Acquisition-Learning HypothesisThe Monitor HypothesisThe Natural Order HypothesisThe Input HypothesisThe Affective Filter Hypothesis

10 Krashen’s Acquisition and Learning Hypothesis AcquisitionLearning. Gradual development of ability.Applies to a conscious process of accumulation of knowledge.It happens naturally in communicative situations.Vocabulary,grammar,rules are presented and learned in controlled environments.It happens through interaction with the ones who speak the language natively, where the language is spoken.Schools, language schools, immersion programs.Focus on meaning and communication not on grammatical forms.Activities and methods are designed to allow this conscious process to occur


12 For example, we learnt English at prep school last year. If we talk with people or write something or reading some articles, after a while we will have acquired English like our first(native) language.

13 Acquisition and learning are different things. You can learn something but you may not acquire it. If you apply on your lives that you learn things, you will have acquired it.


15 What is the learning? A) permanent changes occurring in behaviors as a consequence of experiences, education and instruction B)to acquire something. C)listening music

16 According to Krashen, A)Just smart people can acquire the second language. B)People just can learn the second language, cannot acquire it. C)People can acquire the second language.

17 How can people acquire the second language? A) with listening and talking B) with listening and reading C) with listening, understanding, talking, writing and reading

18 Babies obtain a lot of things. True False

19 Learning occurs with natural events. True False

20 Communicative: of or pertaining to communication(iletişimsel) Achieve : to bring to a successful end (başarmak) Sporadic: appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time(ara sıra, ara sıra olan) Comprehend: to understand the nature or meaning of (anlamak ) Conscious: aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc. ( bilinçli ) UNKNOWN WORDS

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