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 Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)refers to a system of school-based evaluation of students that covers all aspects of students development.

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2  Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)refers to a system of school-based evaluation of students that covers all aspects of students development.

3 To help develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills. To lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasise memorization To make evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process To use evaluation for improvement of students achievement and teaching – learning strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by remedial instruction To use evaluation as a quality control devise to maintain desired standard of performance To determine social utility, desirability or effectiveness of a programme and take appropriate decisions about the learner, the process of learning and the learning environment To make the process of teaching and learning a learner-centered activity.

4 Scholastic Co-Scholastic Assessment Assessment Duration of the term I - Term -June - September II – Term - October - March

5 Formative Summative Assessment Assessment

6 Assessment which is carried throughout the year by the teacher formally and informally

7 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) Will comprise of : Class work Homework Oral questions Quizzes Projects Assignments/Tests Unit Test


9 Science talk Pick & speak Experimental work Group work Quiz Class response Model making PPT Lab activity Collecting pictures relevant to the topic Drawing of the diagram Mind mapping Scrap book activity Role play Chart making Collage making Compare & contrast UNIT TEST

10 Listening comprehension Conversation Dialogue writing / oral Debate Oration Recitation PPT Quiz Grammar Practice with Picture Pick & speak Paragraph writing with relevant pictures Story telling / writing Reading test Class magazine Missing Letters / Proposition MCQ Collage Role play UNIT TEST

11 Compare & contrast Model making Role play / skit Open book test Peer teaching Collecting pictures related to the topic PPT Field trip – report Seminar Quiz Map work Map recognition Collage work Mock parliament UNIT TEST

12 Lab activity / Lab Record Paper cutting & pasting Domino cards for basic operation Quiz Buying & selling – class activity Peg board Prime & composite - Beads MCQ Model making PPT Collage Class work Home work Mental ability Class response Peer teaching Peer assignment Mind mapping UNIT TEST

13  It is basically the pen to paper test conducted at end of each term  Term I - September  Term II-March

14  Summative assessment is carried out at the end of a course of learning. It measures or 'sums-up' how much a student has learned from the course. It is usually a graded test, i.e., it is marked according to a scale or set of grades

15 TERM 1 FA-1 + FA-2 + SA 1 = 10+10 + 30 = 50 TERM 2 FA-3 + FA-4 + SA 2 = 10+10 + 30 = 50 100

16  Mandatory for a student to appear in both the SAs in both classes IX and X  Score a minimum of 25% in SA taken together to qualify for the examination.  EIOP will be conducted by the board in July.

17 SCHOLASTIC - A SUBJECTSSKILLS SUMMATIVE Hindi English Social Science Science Mathematics Add. Subject  Analysis  Problem Solving  Use of I.T.  Correlation to real life  Comprehension  Expression  Creativity  Data Handling  Oral  Listening, Writing Questions Examination Short Answer Very Short Answer Essay MCQ Data Interpretation Observation Conversation Project Essay Elocution Question Test FORMATIVE TOOLS & TECHNIQUES ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Foundation of Information Technology Home Science Painting Music Others

18  Social skills  Life skills  Thinking skills  Emotional skills  Values & Attitudes  Clubs  Literary &Creative skills  Aesthetic skills & Performing art  Health & Physical education

19  assessment in all co-scholastic areas activities is to be done on 5 point scale.  maximum grade points a student can obtain in co-scholastic areas activities is 65

20 Students who get total grade points in the range 53-65 may get upgraded to the next higher grade in two subjects. Students who get total grade points in the range 40-52, may get upgraded to the next higher grade in one subject. No Grade will be up scaled twice. No up scaling is done if Grade is E2 or A1. Up scaling done from lowest grade to next higher grade. Upgraded grade is shown with “**”.

21 1. Observation 2. Assignment 3. Projects 4. Portfolio 5. Checklist 6. Rating scale 7. Anecdotal records

22 Tools & Techniques Oral Questions Assignments Research Work (group) Quizzes Conversation Skills Assessment Projects Questions Observation Checklist Portfolio Narrative records Photographs/ Videos Paintings/ Artistic Endeavour Observation Essays Self Assessment Peer Assessment Rating Scales Narrative Reports

23  Purpose  To improve and standardize students’ communicative skills.  FORMAT  consists of task types for both listening and speaking activities

24 LISTENING – objective type. – each question will be of one mark each. – Awarding of half mark is to be avoided. – If there are more than four or five spelling mistakes then up to two marks may be deducted out of the total marks. SPEAKING The students are assessed on – Interactive competence – Fluency and coherence – Pronunciation – Language with reference to accuracy & range


26 applicable to all the main subjects. part of Summative Assessment II CBSE supplies textual material few months before the commencement of Summative Assessment II. textual material may be in the form of an article, a case study, a diagram, a concept/ mind map, a picture or a cartoon, problem/situation based on the concepts taught to be students during second term. It will be to the extent of 15-20 percent in all the main subjects and may also include the Value Based Questions concepts taken from the syllabi Assessment will have questions of higher order thinking skills and may be subjective, creative and open ended. The textual material supplied earlier will be printed again as part of the question paper and thus will be available while answering the questions.

27 The answers will be assessed on a set of assessment rubrics showing the extent of which students were able to do the following: Understand and apply the concepts to the situational problems. Suggest and bring out appropriate solutions/s to the problem/situation. Come up with innovative opinions/suggestions. Deep analysis based on a wide range of perspectives

28 OBJECTIVE To assess students’ abilities To analyse given life situations. To comprehend and interpret written text To comprehend other essential higher order thinking skills

29 Salient features of this test will be as follows: There is no specific syllabus for PSA Question Paper will be provided by the Board. compulsory for all students It will comprise of 60 items of MCQ type and will carry 60 marks. The examination will be held from 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon. There is no specific syllabus for this test. It will assess life skills related to the following elements: – Language conventions, Qualitative Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning – Creative Thinking, Decision-making, Critical Thinking – ability to process, interpret and use information – assessment in language will contain items that will assess grammar, usage, vocabulary in context and passage-completion.

30 PSA score will be counted towards FA4 which is 10% of total assessments for class-IX. This score will be reflected equally in one language (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Students of classes X (who appeared in PSA while studying in classes IX during the previous session) who wish to improve in PSA are allowed to do so.


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