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Presented by: English Program NYTC rev. 02/26/13 Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: English Program NYTC rev. 02/26/13 Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: English Program NYTC rev. 02/26/13 Overview

2 Topics Developing Pre-reading Skills Development & Concept of the English Program English Curriculum Overview Structure of Booklets

3 What is Reading? A thinking process Understanding the meaning or message the words are intended to carry An interactive process Utilizing previous knowledge Practice with different kinds of text Knowledge of certain writing conventions

4 How Does Reading Happen? Reading relies on pre-literacy skills Children begin learn that symbols on the page represent what they see and hear in spoken language Students begin to identify specific sound-letter correspondence, using simple words Students begin to decode words and simple sentences Eye Level approach incorporates sight words, phonics, and language in context Students need frequent, repeated exposure to language and learning-to-read materials before they acquire the ability to read

5 Developing Pre-reading Skills Oral Language Competency Background Knowledge Phonemic Awareness Print Awareness Alphabet Knowledge Letter/sound correspondence

6 Developing Pre-reading Skills Oral Language Competency Background Knowledge Phonemic Awareness Ability to use and understand oral language Knowledge and understanding of the world around us is necessary to comprehend what we read Ability to hear and manipulate sounds in words

7 Developing Pre-reading Skills Print Awareness Alphabet Knowledge Letter/sound correspondence Basic understanding about written language Ability to recognize and name the letters of the alphabet Understanding that individual letters and letter combinations represent the sounds of a spoken language (alphabet language)

8 Presented by: English Program NYTC rev. 01/15/13 Questions?

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