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Georgia Habitats: Swamp/Marsh

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1 Georgia Habitats: Swamp/Marsh
3rd Grade Life Science Standard: S3L1a

2 Standards Life Science S3L1. Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitat. Differentiate between habitats of Georgia (mountains, marsh/swamp, coast, Piedmont, Atlantic Ocean) and the organisms that live there. Identify features of green plants that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of Georgia. Identify features of animals that allow them to live and thrive in different regions of Georgia. Explain what will happen to an organism if the habitat is changed.

3 Swamps and Marshes

4 Location: Swamps in Georgia is located in the Coast Plain region.
The most important Georgia swamp and largest in the nation is the Okefenokee Swamp Atlantic Ocean Swamps/Marshes

5 A swamp is an area of land covered in shallow water with plants and trees growing in and around it.

6 The swamps/marshes have a climate that is hot, wet and humid – warm all year with very soft soil.

7 It’s covered in water and soft land

8 What’s special about swamp water?
It’s dark!!!!

9 Animals in region: Includes, but not limited to:
35 kinds of snakes (5 poisonous) Alligators wading birds (herons, ibis, egrets, and wood storks) ducks snapping turtles Bullfrogs fish

10 Animal features that allow them to live and thrive:
Birds have long legs and long beaks. Waterproof skin. Animals can live in both land and water. Webbed feet for moving in water.

11 Swamp animal features

12 Plants in region: Includes, but not limited to: cypress trees
Spanish moss Cattails water lilies pitcher plants (can only be found in swamps) bladderworts

13 Plant features that allow them to live and thrive:
Plants that thrive in wet conditions. Flexible stems with floating leaves (lilies) that can withstand water movement. Grow roots above water for additional support (cypress trees). Deep roots and roots that can grow underwater to anchor plants. Plants endure extreme variations in temperature above and below water. Plants in poor soil get nutrients from other sources, including animals (pitcher plants).

14 Plant Features

15 Questions

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