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DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Overview and Responses to Recommendations Giorgio Ambrosio 2/17/14 1.

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Presentation on theme: "DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Overview and Responses to Recommendations Giorgio Ambrosio 2/17/14 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Overview and Responses to Recommendations Giorgio Ambrosio 2/17/14 1

2 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Outline Magnets Systems: new goals and WBS MQXF Requirements & Development Other LARP work: MQXF risk reduction Responses to Recommendations 2

3 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Magnet Systems 2.0 - Goals Develop MQXF design and fabrication procedures Demonstrate readiness for construction project – Short/Long prototypes (S/LQXF) Reduce risks of construction project – HQ and LHQ in FY14; SQXF from FY15 – Strengthen competencies at each lab for construction project Prepare for construction project – Documentation, QA, some infrastructure upgrade 3

4 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Magnet Systems 2.0 – Org. Chart L3s are coordinating QXF functions – In FY14 we have also HQ (Sabbi) and LHQ (Bossert) QXF coordinator/lab – Coordination, prioritizing, step toward CAMs 4

5 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 MQXF Requirements Requirements are being set by the WP3 of the HiLumi Project: – G. Sabbi (LARP) is co-chair – – US: Q1 and Q3 “cold masses” 5 Low  quad aperture: 150 mm

6 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 MQXF Development LARP is developing MQXF magnets in collaboration with CERN – Same design for US and CERN MQXFs  We will benefit from prototypes built by CERN (and vice versa) Design and fabrication technology are based upon the successful LARP R&D – With contribution from CERN and US core programs 6

7 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Technology Demonstration Chart 2004-06 2005-10 2008-14 2011-14 3. 7 m long coils

8 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Overview of LARP Magnets SQ SM TQS LR LQS HQ TQC

9 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 LARP Achievements R&D phases: 2004-2010: technology development using the SQ and TQ models 2006-2012: length scale-up to 4 meters using the LR and LQ models 2008-2014: incorporation of accelerator quality features in HQ/LHQ Field gradient performances: target (T/m)reached (T/m) TQ models (90 mm aperture, 1 m length) 200 240 LQ models (90 mm aperture, 4 m length) 200 220 HQ models (120 mm aperture, 1 m length) 170 184 Excellent training memory Other performances: Field quality: effectiveness of stainless core (HQ02) Coil stress: understanding safe stress range (TQ03) Quench protection: demonstrated photo-etched heaters for protection of long Nb 3 Sn magnets (LR and LQ) 9 See extended list in back up slides

10 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 LARP MS Effort LARP MS effort is exclusively focused on MQXF design, development and risk reduction HQ and LHQ coils are being used in FY14 for MQXF risk reduction HQ budget: 13% of MS budget LHQ budget: <5% of MS budget 10

11 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Risk Reduction Ex 1: LHQ The LHQ program was reduced to 3 long coils, and one coil test. – Coils: 3.4 m long; 120 mm aperture The objective is to mitigate risk for the MQXF by: Incorporating and testing features of QXF coils never tested in long Nb 3 Sn coils. – Cable with stainless steel core (in HQ02 coils) – Cable with braided insulation (in some HQ02 coils; in all HQ03 coils) – Cable with titanium doped strands – Stainless steel end parts (in all HQ coils) – Binder curing to avoid popped strands during end winding – More flexible end parts & temporary saddles Comparison of different protection heaters to select and calibrate the heaters for MQXF protection (only area that still needs some development) 11

12 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 LHQ Coil Fabrication Results 3 coils completed. Winding and curing was done at Fermilab, with Reaction and Impregnation at BNL. – 2 practice coils: Used to optimize fabrication processes and tooling One coil used to test end parts and saddles with flexible features One coil passed and exceeded QXF electrical QA tests Thorough autopsy for impregnation and end-part feedback – 1 coil to be tested in mirror structure: Test planned at FNAL this July 12

13 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Responses to recommendations 13

14 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 14 2011 Review – Recommendation #1 on MS: The panel again strongly recommended that, during the coming year, in close consultation and cooperation with CERN, LARP undertake a substantial role for modeling energy deposition and radiation damage from beam losses and other collider issues related to the IR quad aperture decision 2012 Review – Recommendation #1 on MS: Seek access and/or collaboration with one or more of the venues with appropriate experimental facilities to broaden the database on radiation damage. There has been a lot of progress on this subject. Work was performed in collaboration with CERN, with the help of other experts (for instance Flukiger, and Weber) and dedicated workshops (WAMSDO 2011, RESMM12/13). The work was performed along these lines: thorough analysis of available data; experimental campaign under the EuCARD program. This work has shown that Tungsten absorbers centered in the midplanes of magnet aperture can keep the integrated dose for 3000 fb -1 as low as the dose for the present LHC low beta quadrupoles at 300 fb -1. The materials presently used for LARP coil fabrication technology can withstand this level of dose with sufficient margin. Work is in progress to assess that all auxiliary materials to be used in the MQXFs (for instance instrumentation wires and quench heaters) can withstand the expected dose with sufficient margin. More details in last talk of this session

15 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 15 2011 Review – Recommendation #2 on MS: LARP/APUL magnet program should develop a detailed plan including budget and schedule to advise DOE on future transition to an HL-LHC construction project. Such a plan has been developed for the Magnet System and was presented in the June 2013 Internal LARP Review. More on this point under “Management”. 2011 Review – Recommendation #3 on MS: Begin integrating cryogenic and cryostat design into the magnets. Following the 2012 DOE-LARP-CERN negotiation on possible US deliverables for the HL-LHC project, it was determined that the US would deliver quadrupole cold masses to CERN. Cryogenic and cryostat integration are a CERN responsibility. In 2012 CERN initiated the cryogenic design of the upgraded IRs and in 2013 they generated preliminary cryogenic requirements for the MQXFs (for instance, number and dimensions of the heat exchanger trough the magnet yoke) which have been taken into account in the present QXF design. Appropriate interactions with CERN will assure that the final QXF design will meet all the requirements.

16 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 16 2011 Review – Recommendation # 4 on MS: If possible seek qualified alternate strand vendors and improve piece length This task is being pursued by CERN, who is developing the PIT (Powder In Tube) conductor through the European manufacturer Bruker-EAS. The QXF cable design has been developed jointly by LARP and CERN in order to keep open the option of using the PIT conductor. 2012 Review – Recommendation #2 on MS: Quickly bring the effort on the 120 mm LHQ to an orderly conclusion and begin work on the 150 mm quad development. Done. The work on the QXF (150 mm aperture quad) received the highest priority right after the review. The design of the first short model (SQXF1) is almost complete. At the end of last year (2013) we started QXF winding tests, and we are now starting the fabrication of SQXF practice coils. The LHQ program was redirected toward risk reduction for the LQXF coils (full length QXF prototype) and reduced to 3 coils and one single coil test. The fabrication of the third coil is to be completed in February 2014 and the LHQ coil test, planned for this spring, is bringing the LHQ development to its end.

17 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 17 2012 Review – Recommendation #3 on MS: Produce a resource loaded schedule that establishes the path to the final production of the required number of 150 mm quadrupoles to ensure that resources are properly utilized by November 30, 2012. A resourced loaded schedule for the production of the required MQXF was developed and presented at the LARP internal project review (FNAL, June 2013). To paraphrase the reviewers statement in the final report (attached as addendum #1): a.The technical feasibility of the quad program seems reasonable. b.The costs have a decent basis in the LARP R&D program. c.The scope is reasonable for a $200M US contribution. d.The major uncertainties and risk appear to be programmatic in nature. We are in the process of loading resources to the schedule for the development of the prototypes. A draft for FY14 is available and is being used to check consistence between the cost estimate through the resources loaded schedule and estimates based on past LARP experience.

18 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 18 2012 Review – Recommendation #4 on MS: Develop an acquisition strategy which seamlessly transitions from a research program into a construction project by November 30, 2012. A plan for the acquisition strategy will be developed for the US-HL-LHC Project. A draft plan of the acquisition strategy including a conductor procurement plan was presented at the June 2013 LARP Internal Project Review. Interactions with CERN and all stakeholders to finalize the deliverable (single structure/ single structure with helium shell/ full cold mass with two structures and helium vessel) are taking place. Consistency with the proposed overall LARP budget profile and plans will be checked and more details will be presented during this review

19 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 MS Sessions Agenda 19 Magnet System Session 1 10:10 Overview and Responses to Recommendations 40' 10:50 HQ program status and results 40' 11:30 QXF Design and Fabrication Plans 30' Magnet System Session 2 15:05 QXF Conductor and Cable 30' 15:35 Coil Design and Winding Tests 20' 15:55 Coil Fabrication and Tooling 20' 16:15 Support structure design and development 30' 16:45 Quench protection, energy disposition, rad damage 20' 17:05 QXF schedule and preparation for project 20' QXF strategy: Building upon solid foundation Minimizing development focused on risk areas Reducing risks Demonstrating readiness

20 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Acknowledgement M. Anerella, J. Cozzolino, J. Escallier, A. Ghosh, R. Gupta, H. Hocker, P. Joshi, P. Kovach, A. Marone, J. Muratore, J. Schmalzle, P. Wanderer. BNL G. Ambrosio, G. Apollinari, R. Bossert, R. Carcagno, G. Chlachidze, J. DiMarco, S. Krave, A. Nobrega, I. Novitski, R. Rabehl, C. Sylvester, M. Yu, A. Zlobin. FNAL H. Felice, F. Borgnolutti, D. Cheng, D.R. Dietderich, A. Godeke, R. Hafalia, M. Marchevsky, I. Pong, S. Prestemon, G. Sabbi, X. Wang. LBNL 20 and I am sure I am missing someone…

21 DOE Review of LARP – February 17-18, 2014 Back up Slides 21

22 LARP DOE Review, 7/9/2012MS Overview & HQ Program – G. Sabbi 22 Program Achievements - Timeline (1/3) Mar. 2006 SQ02 reaches 97% of SSL at both 4.5K and 1.9K Demonstrates MJR 54/61conductor performance for TQ Jun. 2007TQS02a surpasses 220 T/m at both 4.5K and 1.9K(*) Achieved 200 T/m goal with RRP 54/61 conductor Jan. 2008 LRS02 reaches 96% of SSL at 4.5K with RRP 54/61 Coil & shell structure scale-up from 0.3 m to 4 m July 2009TQS03a achieves 240 T/m (1.9K) with RRP 108/127(*) Increased stability with smaller filament size Dec. 2009 TQS03b operates at 200 MPa (average) coil stress(*) Widens Nb 3 Sn design space (as required…) (*) Tests performed at CERN

23 LARP DOE Review, 7/9/2012MS Overview & HQ Program – G. Sabbi 23 Program Achievements - Timeline (2/3) Dec. 2009 LQS01a reaches 200 T/m at both 4.5K and 1.9K LARP meets its “defining” milestone Feb. 2010TQS03d shows no degradation after 1000 cycles(*) Comparable to operational lifetime in HL-LHC July 2010 LQS01b achieves 220 T/m with RRP 54/61 Same TQS02 level at 4.5K, but no degradation at 1.9K Apr. 2011HQ01d achieves 170 T/m in 120 mm aperture at 4.5 K At HL-LHC operational level with good field quality Oct. 2011 HQM02 achieves ~90% of SSL at both 4.6 K and 2.2 K Special coil to test reduced compaction (*) Test performed at CERN

24 LARP DOE Review, 7/9/2012MS Overview & HQ Program – G. Sabbi 24 Program Achievements - Timeline (3/3) Apr. 2012 HQ01e-2 reaches 184 T/m at 1.9K (*) Despite using first generation coils, several known issues Above linear scaling from TQ (240/120*90=180 T/m) Jun. 2012HQM04 reaches 97% SSL at 4.6K and 94% at 2.2K Successful demonstration of revised coil design Single-pass cored cable, lower compaction Post 2012 Review updates: Sept. 2012LQS03 reached 210 T/m at 1.9 K (200 T/m target) Dec. 2012 HQ02a test: 182 T/m at 4.5 K 98% SSL at 4.5 K improved performance with 2 nd generation coils (*) Test performed at CERN

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