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Wildland/Urban Interface Structure Protection
Today’s Class WAC 296-305-07001 thru 07019
VRFA MOO 5521 Wildland Firefighting Safety, Tactics and Accountability The Basics Local Resources
WAC 296-305-07001/19 Defines “Wildland Fire” as:
A fire burning in natural vegetation that requires an individual or crew(s) to expend more than one hour of labor to confine, control and extinguish. Agencies may substitute crews to avoid the one hour bench mark or increase crew size to complete the job in less than one hour. One hour was chosen as the maximum time that individuals should work in high temperatures in structural protective clothing.
MOO 5521 Defines “Brush Fire” as:
A fire burning in natural vegetation that requires less than one hour of labor confine, control and extinguish.
WAC /19 States Wildland gear will be provided by Employer Defines type and uses of gear Defines respiratory protection (currently there is no definition) Accountability (ICS) Wildland Apparatus Restraints and Enclosures for apparatus Equipment (hand tools) Aircraft First Aid Training
Types of gear Structural Gear 1 hour work time Wildland Gear
Stored at 33 Not for Structural FF
Respiratory Issues Wildland does not define level of respiratory protection Common sense should prevail Hazardous environment = SCBA
VRFA Apparatus Type 1 apparatus Type 2 apparatus 1000 GPM Pump
400 Gallon Tank Type 2 apparatus 500 GPM Pump
Equipment Chainsaws Pulaskis Shovels Adze Hoes Mcleod Tools
MOO 5521 Wildland Interface & MOO 3606 PPE for Wildland
We are not going to review here Fire orders Watchouts First Aid Refers to all WACs Appropriate Gear
Structural Triage and Protection
The process of triaging and decision to protect structures threatened by a Wildland / Urban interface incident will rest with the I.C. There are several reasons weighed in this decision.
Structural Triage and Protection
Size of the fire. Inadequate resources. Non-existent defensible spaces. Absence of boxed in eaves. Large unprotected decks. Significant amounts of combustible storage.
Structure Assessment Checklist
Address/Property Name Numerical Street Address Number of Residents Road Access Road Surface Adequate Width Turnouts, Turnarounds Bridges Stream Crossings Grade
Structure Assessment Checklist
Structure/Building Single Residence/multi complex/out building Exterior walls Large Windows Fuel tanks Roof Materials Eaves
Structural Protection Safety
Be aware of toxic smoke Full PPE Conserve water Keep a reserve in your water tank Keep protection lines between crew and engine Back your engine into position Use 11/2 lines when possible Do not use long hose lays Use class A foam if available Do not park under power lines, next to propane tanks, or in chimneys or saddles
Structural “Watchouts”
Poor Access and narrow one-way Roads Bridge Load Limits Wooden Construction (Roofs, Decks, Eaves, Large Windows) Power lines, Propane Tanks, HazMat Threats Inadequate water supply Natural fuels 30’ or closer to structure Structures in Chimneys, Box Canyons, Narrow canyons or on steep slopes Extreme fire behavior Strong Winds Evacuation of Public Power lines
Safety Zones Always look for safety zones and escape routes when positioning apparatus and crew. Here are a few manmade or natural barriers to consider.
Safety Zones Structures Outbuildings Fuel breaks Rock outcroppings
Apparatus Positioning
When positioning apparatus here are some considerations. Note landmarks and hazards as you approach scene. Always back your engine in for rapid egress. There is no exception to this rule. Park engine so it does not block traffic.
Apparatus Positioning
Avoid parking next to flammable vegetation, under power lines, near LPG tanks, or other potential sources of heat. Park engine to facilitate structural protection within reach of hose lines. Survey area for hazards i.e. septic tanks. Review maps and survey area.
Apparatus Positioning
Identify and communicate escape routes and safety zones. Monitor fire behavior. Make sure apparatus windows are rolled up and doors are closed. Leave apparatus running.
Rules for Hose Deployment
Limit hose to 200’. Take hose from same side of apparatus. Do not block egress of operating fire suppression personnel. Hose lines should not block the street or cross front of apparatus.
Rules for Hose Deployment
Do not hesitate to leave lines in place if position is threatened. Always have hose line in place to protect apparatus.
Mobility When moving from location to location do not take the time to reload or to roll hose. Place hose on top of apparatus or over pump panel for easy deployment.
Structure Protection “Partial Containment”- is a method used to modify or diminish fire as it approaches your assigned area. To use this method, rear hose lines attack and split the fire from the fire side of the structure. These lines are then moved toward the front of the structure controlling and directing fire at sides of building and to the front.
Structure Protection “No Containment”- is when fire is permitted to pass by the structure without being challenged. The objective in this mode is to cool the structure to withstand the heat of the fire as it passes. This method is extremely dangerous.
Structure Protection “Full Containment”- is accomplished with use of water and/or hand tools. Typically is due to a lack of fuel.
Retreating Retreating may become necessary due to fire intensity or equipment/apparatus failure. In these instances be aware of: Other companies retreating in low visability environment. Potential for accidents is high. Be cautious of hazards created by fire.
Local Resources Puget Sound Regional Hand Crew
District 10 wildland crew DNR Fuel moisture content Strike Teams
Break Time
After Action Review Stuck River Fire
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