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ELearning & Section 508 Panel Discussion Gettysburg, November 2009 Don Barrett Joe Gorup Paul Lloyd Norm Robinson Paul Schafer.

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Presentation on theme: "ELearning & Section 508 Panel Discussion Gettysburg, November 2009 Don Barrett Joe Gorup Paul Lloyd Norm Robinson Paul Schafer."— Presentation transcript:

1 eLearning & Section 508 Panel Discussion Gettysburg, November 2009 Don Barrett Joe Gorup Paul Lloyd Norm Robinson Paul Schafer

2 Introduction See a wide variety of what is termed “eLearning” Few slides to provide a common dialogue and examples Discussion of Section 508 compliance across the different examples…

3 eLearning modalities – Virtual Classroom (not necessarily the focus) – Live or Recorded sessions – Self-paced eLearning Letting the learner control access, timing, and progression through a learning activity. Arguably best delivered via Intranet/Internet – But can be done via CD, etc. Ideally learning is centrally tracked in a “learning management system” – Resume a course, track & report on completions, etc.

4 Self-Paced eLearning Huge variation in what is called “eLearning” “Here is a link”: Launching a.pdf file “List of Modules”: Bunch of links and references “Play the Presentation”: A PowerPoint with a play button “Structured content” Limited media or interaction Significant media, assessment, etc. “Adaptive Simulations” – Example: Learn via interaction with “characters”

5 Audience Check Show of hands… Agree? Disagree?

6 “List of Modules” What follows are screen images for a “list of modules” type course User presented a menu with links, which leads to more links, which eventually brings up content in a Word document The usability question



9 Play the Presentation Often a.PPT “converted” to an eLearning course Efficient means of tracking a presentation Result is a “movie” that is played Generally Section 508 challenged – Navigating within a page of content (e.g. links, glossary terms, etc.) very difficult. – Assessments, integrated media pose a challenge

10 Play the Presentation sample

11 “Structured Content” – Range from “limited interaction” to “highly interactive” – Often what comes from many eLearning companies – Section 508 compliance - wide variation “Developer Dependence” Technically compliant versus usable always an issue May result in production of “alternative version”

12 Examples – non compliant…

13 “Structured Content” II Example of challenges – creating useable assessments, navigation across a table of contents

14 Why so challenging? eLearning is a two way, multi-faceted conversation – Two way 1) learner controls progression 2) course presents information or “reacts” – There are many, many facets Tab order, focus, and feedback – on every page under every condition Example: Page 1 – text with glossary links, Page 2 – movie clip, Page 3 multiple choice non-scored assessment with feedback. Accessibility integration beyond many eLearning developers

15 Example “facets” Keyboard accessibility of all navigation controls Audio transcript placement/interaction In-text hyperlinks are differentiated and are keyboard and screen reader accessible Accessible media controls Accessible alternate text field available for media items High-contract color schemes… Full accessible secondary windows – Learning aids. Attachments, etc. Overall navigation designed for ease of use with adaptive technologies Accessible course menu available at all times Form controls identifiable by adaptive technology Keyboard shortcuts to enhance keyboard use non-visual screen reader “hints” Consideration for a rich user interface with visually pleasing aesthetics to sighted learners while remaining completely accessible to non-visual learners Screen reader focus provides logical, predictable progress through a course – Tab order, focus, feedback

16 Audience Questions/Comments

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