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McKinney Community Health Center Diabetes Collaborative Disparity By Roberto Garcia, MD.

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2 McKinney Community Health Center Diabetes Collaborative Disparity By Roberto Garcia, MD

3 McKinney Community Health Center Introduction *Objective: Raise awareness about Diabetes Collaborative issues in the community.

4 McKinney Community Health Center Topics of Discussion Overview about Health Disparities Collaborative : -What? When? Why? How? -How DC affected MCHC. -Diabetes Collaborative: The Change. -Our Challenges -The Future.

5 McKinney Community Health Center What is the Health Disparity Collaborative (HDC)? A federal initiative created to improve health care in people with chronic diseases through CHC. The Diabetes Plan is just one of multiple programs that constitute The Health Disparity Collaborative. Other programs: CVD, Depression, Asthma and HIV.

6 McKinney Community Health Center When was the HDC created? The Disparity began with 5 Collaborative teams focusing on DM in Sept.1998. Today there are > 600 CHC teams. Has spread to 4 others Chronic Illnesses. MCHC introduced DC in Sept. 2002.

7 McKinney Community Health Center Why? There are 125 Million people with chronic diseases in USA. Chronic Diseases(CD) accounts for >70% of all deaths in USA. CD cuts 1/3 of potential years/life in people >65 years. Accounts 65% of all medical costs. (510 billion dollars/year)

8 McKinney Community Health Center How does it works? Is organized around The Care Model: -Self Management. -Decision Support. -Clinical Information System. -Delivery System Design. -Organization of Health Care -Community.

9 McKinney Community Health Center P: Is our proposal or problem. D: Do it. How? S: Study/ Collect results. A: Action/Implementation. PDSA Cycle: The Testing Machine

10 McKinney Community Health Center How participating in DC affected MCHC? Hypothetic Case Hypothetic Case (real life statistic): *Mr. McKinney is a diabetic patient who came to MCHC on Sept. 2002. -HBAIC: 12 ; Cholesterol: 247 mg/dl. -LDL: 189. -BP: 149/95. -Not on ACE INH.or ASA or statin. -No Micro-albumin/No shots. -His overall CARDIAC RISK: 95%.

11 McKinney Community Health Center …Case… Mr. McKinney returns to our center for the next 3 years. Today: -His HBAIC is 8.1 (dropping 4 points) -BP: 136/80. -Cholesterol: 199 (20%). LDL: 109 (43%). He is taking ACE INH., ASA, statins. Neg. Micro-albumin test. -His overall fatal risk is reduced to 27%.

12 McKinney Community Health Center Change In Oct. 2003 our DC team underwent a series of changes: -Team restructuring, reorganizing, new team members added. -These changes gave us new direction and leadership.

13 McKinney Community Health Center..change.. Our registry size has increased 334% (new patients)=375. Total registry=535. HBAIC has declined from 8.5 to 8.1 DC has spread to 2 nd. site. New team members(DDC/SCS/PRA/TL). 1 grant project has been approved for $75,000. Updated PECS system. DC has been introduced as Quality Assurance (QA) Key. Monthly report is disclosed on QA/Provider Meeting. DC team member has been introduced to the Board of directors. Patient Medication Assistance/Free Glucometer+DM supply Programs.

14 McKinney Community Health Center -Raise awareness of DC/HD issues in our own organization. -Keep “The Change” running. -Make Standing orders of DC/HD policies in all sites and providers. -Patient Referrals to Foot/Eye Specialist. -Improve DM Education/Self Management Goals. -Maximize Immunizations. -Reduce HBAIC <7.5. By 2007. -Increment of our patient registry to 1000 by 2007. -Spread to CVD/Asthma. Our Challenges:

15 McKinney Community Health Center -The Future… *Spread to 3 new sites. *Spread to 3 new providers. *Spread to CVD/Asthma. *Increase funding. *Community health partnership. *Nutritionist. *Establishment of Diabetic Clinic. *Eye care.

16 McKinney Community Health Center Diabetes Collaborative Team Members: Ola Smith- CEO Alta Lowman, DM-Educator Tanya Hutchinson-PA. Delores Johnson-PR Agent. Bonnie Lee-SCS. Leticia Fernandez-DDC Patricia Durrance-PA/DDC Roberto Garcia, MD.-Team Leader

17 McKinney Community Health Center Final Message: “With federally funded health centers having fully embraced the care model for disparities…this has become arguably the largest, most important, health care quality improvement initiative in the country. It is exactly what the health care system needs right now.” Tracy Orleans, PhD-Senior scientist at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


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