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Bienvenue!. Methodology  FLE ~ Français Langue Etrangère  Schedule: 3 times/week for 35 minutes.  Modalities: gestures, dramatization, art, music,

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1 Bienvenue!

2 Methodology  FLE ~ Français Langue Etrangère  Schedule: 3 times/week for 35 minutes.  Modalities: gestures, dramatization, art, music, reading, writing, visuals, props, technology

3 Units: 4th Grade  Les Extraterrestres (an alien visit to school)  Pizza (food around the world)  Les Planètes  Le Temps (weather & poetry)  La Géographie  Les Animaux en Danger  Les T shirts (winter & summer sports)

4 Units: 5th Grade  Verbs & Pronouns  Crictor (reading /writing/story telling)  Nathalie au Québec (Language learning strategies & community)  Au Travail (Professions)  Pauvre Alphonse (Descriptions & clothing)  Restaurant (food)

5 FRANCE 2014

6 Grade Distribution  class participation60%  quizzes 20%  projects 20%

7 Why French?? A Practical Foreign Language French continues to be influential throughout the world. As a foreign language it is the second most frequently taught language in the world after English. It is spoken as an official language in 33 countries and is the only language other than English spoken on five continents. An article by George Weber titled “The World’s 10 most influential languages” presents a formula for calculating language influence. The author states that “despite a clear downward trend relative to English, French remains the world's second most influential language.” Reference for article:

8 The main factors that make a language influential.

9 The Top Ten languages of the world.

10 Learning a Foreign Language  Foreign language acquisition is a basic life skill set that children need in order to compete in the global marketplace.  Foreign Language study has consistently been shown to increase students’ performance in other disciplines, such as math, reading, and language arts.  Learning more than one language has a profound effect on the brain: causing structural differences that enhance mental abilities and improve cognitive skills.

11 Brain Research Dr-Janet-Zadina-Using Dr-Janet-Zadina-Using

12 Our Program  Our curriculum relates to real world experience  We aim for fun, interactive lessons.  Active participation and attentiveness are KEY  We get results!

13 Resources  Cindi Tracy at World of Reading, Ltd. 1-800-729- 3703,  Languages on-line French Topics: ench/french.htm  There are many websites for learning French. Have fun searching, or ask us for support.

14 French Team Julia Dalbom: Elyse Darlis: Judith Maisonneuve:

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