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PIKA Technologies Inc. PADS for the PIKA WARP Appliance March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "PIKA Technologies Inc. PADS for the PIKA WARP Appliance March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIKA Technologies Inc. PADS for the PIKA WARP Appliance March 2009

2 PIKA WARP Customization PIKA WARP is a customizable platform It can run stock Asterisk but it does not have to Why customize? Put my custom application on the appliance Make a modification to the stock Asterisk Ideal for applications like alert notification systems, IVRs and PBXs

3 What does the appliance offer to developers? Hardware – a full computer Embedded processor Solid state memory USB, NIC, Audio ports Up to 9 analog ports Software – many default packages Full Pika suite of voice processing like tone detection and generation, play/record, VoIP and conferencing Pre-loaded with operating system, drivers and tools Initial SSH access and Asterisk Database, web server, web language, common tools With the ability to add any software package

4 Pre-loaded Software Bootloader (uBoot 1.3) 2.6.26 linux kernel (stripped down) Pika’s All-on-Host and Grandprix drivers Asterisk 1.4.21 AsteriskGUI Busybox 1.8.2 (binaries linux tools) SQlite3 database Httpd webserver PHP5 with support for SQLite, XML, PDO, etc. NTP, DHCP (client), TFTP (server and client), VLAN, DNS Dropbear (for ssh access)

5 What API will be available? To access telephony hardware outside of Asterisk … High level Grandprix API the same used on standard PCs!! Low level AoH API will also be available Many sample of this on the web Some additional APIs will be added to our SDK. For example, to control the audio in/out ports and the LCD (Note: In Asterisk, audio ports are referenced in the dialplan and the LCD is integrated in channel driver but can be changed)

6 /root /kernel Custom User Application Linux Kernel PIKA Kernel Modules Busybox /persistent /persistent1 /persistent2 /u-boot Your Application Grandprix Warploader HMP LCD library Configuration files Logs NTP Database Database server Dropbear Skeleton

7 /root /kernel Asterisk Application Linux Kernel PIKA Kernel Modules Busybox /persistent /persistent1 /persistent2 /u-boot Asterisk Application Grandprix Warploader HMP LCD library Configuration files Logs NTP Dropbear Skeleton Channel PIKA (glue)

8 Pika’s Development Kit Pika Application Development Suite (PADS) Software package – “framework” Full development kit The kit will provide a toolchain - compiler (for our processor), linker and debugger Installed on independent Linux machine (distribution independent) Host machine is used to bypass the resource limitation of the embedded device Attached through Ethernet Allows all software on the appliance to be built (kernel and user) Creates a PowerPC virtual environment Retrieved through svn Opens embedded development to Linux developers

9 PADS Package – this is where makefiles are included to describe where to get the code and how to compile it DL – this is where the source code is automatically downloaded Build_warp – this is where the resulting power pc binaries reside after being compiled. (after ‘make’) Images – this contains compressed binaries (after ‘make image’) Bin – this folder contains utilities such as a Flash Burning tool

10 PADS diagram

11 Steps to Building – the 3 ‘makes’ 1)make menuconfig 2)make 3) make image

12 Step #1 – select packages ‘make menuconfig’ allows you to select packages, tools and programs to include on the appliance through a package menu Examples include Asterisk, webserver, etc.

13 Step #2 – compiling ‘make’ cross-compiles all the selected packages The PADS framework defines where to retrieve the code and how to build the code The result is Power PC binaries that can be directly run on the appliance

14 Background - Memory Four memory types Small Flash (NOR) – 4 Mb Contains bootloader Quick boot-up Can not be written by developers Internal Flash (NAND) – 256 Mb Compressed (read-only) contains the kernel, tools and applications like asterisk and database At runtime this image is uncompressed and run from RAM Changes to this partition must be made through PADS (otherwise will be lost on reboot) Uncompressed (persistent read-write) Initial creation through PADS Contains configuration files, play prompts, etc. Memory that acts like a hard disk Changes to this partition are saved even after reboot SD card – up to 4 Gb Read-write Expands uncompressed persistent memory on the internal flash Good for heavy write tasks like voicemails, logs and backups RAM – 256 Mb Run-time memory

15 Background – Memory (cont’d)

16 Step #3 – Creating and burning images ‘make image’ creates three image types: Core Kernel (filename -> cuImage.warp) Applications (filename -> uRamdisk) Persistent (filename -> image.jffs2) Persistent1 (filename-> image1.jffs2) Persistent2 (filename-> image2.jffs2) Once happy with the images created by PADS they can be burnt to the flash on the appliance – this commits it to memory An image file can be burnt to multiple appliances Images can be burnt to appliance through AsteriskGUI command line tool (Warploader) Copy the file locally to the appliance (scp,wget or tftp) and then … warploader –p kernel cuImage.warp warploader –p root uRamdisk warploader –p persistent image.jffs2 warploader –p persistent1 image1.jffs2 warploader –p persistent2 image2.jffs2 USB flash “hook”

17 Development approach Burn new images when necessary Run locally Drop files on the persistent file system Web pages Binary libraries created using the Pika development framework or from the web Good for when only making a small number of changes

18 Alternate approach – NFS Optional –useful for large development projects For development Quick, volatile Remotely mounted file system (in build_warp folder) Use NFS server to mirror appliance memory on development PC Changes made on remote machine but run by the processor on the appliance Run without flashing to reduce development time No code changes on the appliance Attached through Ethernet (initially setup by serial cable)

19 More Details on NFS

20 Adding packages If a package is not included in the list … Add a new folder in the ‘package’ directory In this directory add: – to make the new package appear in the package menu – a makefile to tell PADS how to get and build your package Some packages are available in

21 Programming Considerations Lots of resources for an embedded device!! Be conscious of memory (256Mb total) Mallocs may fail Be careful where logs go, etc. Memory chips have life span Be conscious of processing (1200Mips total) Speed optimizations are important Big endian (not little endian) Careful when communicating with other machine C++ and threading is fine

22 Thank you for your time.

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