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7”x9” digital photo of Mariel Davis, Class of 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "7”x9” digital photo of Mariel Davis, Class of 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 7”x9” digital photo of Mariel Davis, Class of 2005

2 A 1” grid is superimposed over the photo. The blue color is chosen because it does not exist in the photo.

3 The original 14”x18” canvas panel

4 The canvas panel is toned with a mixture of burnt umber, burnt sienna (both acrylic), and water

5 The panel is covered with a 2”x2” grid. Why? The marks must be started from the same side to ensure that the grid is square. The lines are made with white charcoal pencil.

6 A line drawing is made with white charcoal pencil. Accuracy is of the utmost importance so that false information does not mislead the student. Each line must be placed exactly as it exists within each box. Plane breaks representing zones of shadows should also be drawn.

7 The background is painted first to establish a color to which the rest of the colors will relate. The whites of the eyes are also painted since they are a similar, muted color.

8 Skin tones are introduced. The basic mix is titanium white, yellow oxide, and cadmium red light. The halftones have less white. The shadows have burnt umber added and no white.

9 Black is made by mixing burnt umber and ultramarine blue. More time and balance are given to the skin tones.

10 The shirt is roughed in and more attention given to skin tones.

11 More glazing and attention to detail.

12 More….

13 Finished product, maybe.

14 An attempt to make art mirror “reality”, albeit not entirely successfully.




18 Mary Amoling Mark Buryk

19 Maggie Gilligan Katie Hopkins

20 Shannon KoenigDani Kyberd

21 Alex Larkin

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