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More on humour, and a start on accessibility AV Translation: 3.

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Presentation on theme: "More on humour, and a start on accessibility AV Translation: 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 More on humour, and a start on accessibility AV Translation: 3

2 Humour in AV translation: visual semantic layer John Sanderson (2009): where the visual element sparks the humour: Typology of AV humour that includes visual:: Polysemy : jamming radar with pot of jam Homophonies: eye/aye/I + pointing to eye idiomatic expression linked to visual item: « that’s the way the cookie crumbles » Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

3 3 Amigos: polysemy Don’t get burnt! (sunburn – visual/getting burnt – semantic) You can’t score without a condom Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

4 3 Amigos: homophonies/one visual Blowing … Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

5 3 Amigos: idiomatic expression linked to visuals Truckers are always on the move… Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

6 Barrierefreie Informationstechnik: Closed captioning: for HOH: intralingual subtitling of TV programming and film partly available; learning from interlingual work: condensed subtitles or full text? censorship issues, reading issues, gibberish as technology is underdeveloped; Audiodescription: describing film and theatre for the blind: timing issues, types of film, voice; Fansubbing: fan produced, no copyright, illegal but available Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer AV(T) for Accessibility

7 Joselia Neves, 2009: making sound visible New focus on specific needs, specific audiences, customizing materials for the DHOH, esp in DVDs; -adapting and including ‘aural messages’: sound effects are meaningful: music, sounds of nature, a clock ticking, a phone ringing, tone of voice; - redundancy, repetition, explication, short simple phrases are necessary; - different information required for HOH audiences (who do not read well). Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

8 Fansubbing: Diaz Cintas/Sanchez, 2006 Originally from Japanese anime film: - team: raw providers, translators, timers, typesetters, editors/proofers, encoders (even incl. Karaokes) - inventive, creative, unorthodox work – using colours, fat characters that fill with colour, subtitles placed here and there – Ethics?? Copyright?: - dissemination viewed as desirable at first; - now increasingly problematic (see US materials in France) Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

9 Audiodescription: Spain, Germany, USA - selected films since 1950s in Spain, 1980s Germany/US intralingual first, now interlingual. - audiodescriber describes plot, characters, interactions, in-between dialogues; - issues of timing, finding room; - language types (the describer’s voice remaining separate and recognizable); - bright, lively, colourful and succinct language (Joel Snyder) re=related Click View then Header and Footer to change this footer

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