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o Andrew was born November 24, 1785 in Vietnam! No one really knows where exactly he was born. He died in 1839 as a Vietnam martyr in an undisclosed location.

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Presentation on theme: "o Andrew was born November 24, 1785 in Vietnam! No one really knows where exactly he was born. He died in 1839 as a Vietnam martyr in an undisclosed location."— Presentation transcript:


2 o Andrew was born November 24, 1785 in Vietnam! No one really knows where exactly he was born. He died in 1839 as a Vietnam martyr in an undisclosed location. o He was a priest, but no one knows if he had family or not because he was one or hundreds of martyrs at that time, so he does not have a lot of biography behind him.

3 o He was ordained a priest on March 15, 1823 o In order to save his life during the procecution he changed his name to Lac to avoid capture. o The was he was murdered was because he gave himself up in place of father ignatious

4 o Andrew was arrested November 10, 1839, rearrested in December 21, 1839( he was arrested a lot because in that time Catholics were frowned upon and being prosecuted) o Dreadfully tortured in the town of Hanoi, Vietnam and beheaded December 21, 1839 o He was beheaded because they found out that he was a catholic priest. o Andrew was always on the run not having a stable life, family, friends. o Doesn’t have very much information on himself because no one really new him.


6 o Andrew always thought about God, he didn’t care if they couldn’t pray to God or if he was going to die while loving him. o He always had a strong head on his shoulders not letting anything shake his faith or bring him down. o

7 o Andrew loved God with all his heart, he followed his ways and loved others like god did. o He was a great person who always put others before him just as god did, he made himself loved by the people that new him. o

8 o Although he is a man with little information behind him we know that he was a man of good work that helped others in the time of need. o He helped his fellow martrys in hard situations for example: he would give himself up for them and take the pain and torture for them.

9 o We feel as if prayer really played an important role on Andrews life because that was what motivated him to strive forward, to keep going even though everyone was trying to make him fall. o Even though he was tortured, arrested several times he never gave up which was influenced by God the prayers his love for his religion. o Prayer made him the man he was, the man of faith, love, courage, hardship, and above all a man of integrity.

10 “ He who scarifies a whole offering shall be rewarded a whole offering; he who offers a burnt offering, shall be rewarded a burnt offering; But he who offers humility to God and Man shall be rewarded with rewards as if he had offered all the scarifies in the world” - The Talmud


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