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 Why Jews don’t believe in Jesus Dr. Richard Elofer.

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Presentation on theme: " Why Jews don’t believe in Jesus Dr. Richard Elofer."— Presentation transcript:

1  Why Jews don’t believe in Jesus Dr. Richard Elofer

2 Israel and Church History  Before the destruction of Jerusalem(30-70)  A Jewish Church  Before the Second War against Rome (70-135)  A Church half Jewish half Gentile  From Rabbi Akiba to Constantin (135-313)  A church more and more Gentile which reject her Jewish origin and become progressively more anti-Jewish. (Marcion Influence)

3 Israel and Church History  After Constantin (313-…)  The Church is openly anti-Jewish  The Church changed the teaching of the Bible  Replacement Theology  Sunday replaced Sabbath  Church replaced Israel  New Testament replaced Old Testament

4 An Anti-Semitic History Israel, Witness to Christ through her suffering  Conversion by force  crusades  Pogroms  Persecutions and Inquisition

5 Jewish Expulsions 1 1165 The Almohades ask Jews from Fez (Morrocco) to convert to Islam or to die  1182 Expulsion from kingdom of France ( Philippe-Auguste).  1290 Expulsion from England (Eduard 1st).  1306 Expulsion from France (Philippe le Bel)  1349 Strasbourg becomes a free city and 2,000 Jews are burnt

6 Jewish Expulsions 2  1380 Expulsion from the free city of Ulm (Germany).  1388 Expulsion from the free city of Strasbourg  1391 300 Jews are murdered in Palma de Majorque, others escape to North Africa.  1394 Last Jews are expulsed from France by Charles VI

7 Expulsions In 1490’s  1492 Expulsion from Spain  1493 Expulsion from Arles (Provence).  1493 Expulsion from Sicilia et Sardaigne (Aragon)  1494 Expulsion from Florence.

8 Expulsions In 1490’s  1494 First Expulsion from Portugal  1495 Expulsion 10 000 to 30 000 Jews from Lituania  1496 Expulsion of 20 000 Jews from Portugal.  1496 Expulsion from Tarascon.

9 Expulsions in the 16 th Century  1501 Expulsion of the last Jews from Provence (Charles XII.)  1510 Expulsion from Naples.  1519 Expulsion from Ratisbonne.  1541 Charles Quint ordonne expulsion from spanish territories in Italy.

10 Expulsions in the 16 th siècle  1551 Expulsion from Wu ̈ rttemberg.  1555 Expulsion from Bavaria.  1555, Pope Paul IV gather all the Jews in a ghetto in Rome.  1573 Expulsion from Brandebourg.  1590 Expulsion from Brunswick.

11 Jesus in this context?  Persecutions.  Adoption of customs and pagan practices  Impossible for Jews to recognize Jesus.

12 Anti Missionary organizations  Theologians and Rabbis start to build a new theology  Modern anti-missionaries are organized  Yad Leachim in Israel  Jews for Judaism in USA  Etc…

13 Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies  The Messiah must built the third Temple (Ez. 37 :26-28).  He must gather the exiles in Israel (Es. 43 : 5-6).  He must spread the knowledge of God in the world, the consequence will be the unification of the world. (Zec. 14 : 9).  He must introduce a era of peace for the world where there will be no more suffering or death. (Es. 2 : 4).  If one of these conditions is missing he cannot be the Messiah.

14 Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah  He must be a great prophet like Moses. (Is. 11 : 2).  He must be a direct descendent of King David (Gen 49:10, Is. 11:1…).  He must keep the Torah and teach others to keep it. (Deut. 13 : 1-4).

15 Christian Interpretation of the Bible is based on mistakes  Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.  Is 7:14 is not about a virgin but a young women.  Is 53 does not refer to an individual but to Israel who is the suffering servant of God. (Is 43 : 8)  …

16 A necessary preparation  It is very important that our members will be prepared for a possible discussion with Jews who have study their Bible or have been trained by anti missionaries organizations.  A reading of the Jewish literature will help us to understand their arguments and to be prepared.

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