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To describe the Jerusalem Temple To explain how the Temple was used To reflect on Judaism without the Temple The Jerusalem Temple.

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1 To describe the Jerusalem Temple To explain how the Temple was used To reflect on Judaism without the Temple The Jerusalem Temple

2 The High Priest Unlike the other priests, who only came to Jerusalem for a week to perform their priestly service, the High Priest was a permanent post. He was paid by the Romans, because the Romans wanted to keep control over what happened in the Temple: the Temple was the focus of national pride and the whole country would come up on pilgrimage 3 times a year to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices. The High Priest was the only person allowed to enter behind into the “holy of Holies”, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept with the 10 Commandments: God’s presence was here. He was the only one who enter God’s presence and ask God’s mercy and blessing here. The High Priest’s job was make offerings to God for sin and thanksgiving. The “sacrifice offerings” he offered were: animal sacrifices that he burnt on the altar loaves, that he made from pure flour and oil and burnt on the altar wine poured out on the burning animal sacrifices incense offered in the Holy of Holies. 1.Why was the High Priest important/ special ? 2.What did he offer in sacrifice? 3.Why would the Romans have wanted to appoint the High Priest themselves?

3 1.Draw and label the different parts of the Temple 2.Use the information to explain what happened in each area. 3. Which parts of the Temple did Jesus do something in? Court of Priests Court of Israelites Inner Court With Holy of Holies Court of the Gentiles The Golden Gate The Beautiful Gate

4 3-D model of the Jerusalem Temple Identify as you fly!

5 In 70 A.D. the Temple was destroyed by the Romans. Only one part of the wall remained. Priests could no longer offer sacrifices for sin. Half of the laws in the Torah (about worship) could no longer be carried out. The people had got separated from their God. Sadduccees and the Priests no longer had any role, as there was no Temple to run, and no sacrifices to be made. They slowly disappeared. Only the Pharisees survived, keeping the Laws that were left, and serving God through prayer. 1. Explain 2 reasons why the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD was a disaster for the Jews. **What could Jews have done to keep their religion alive? Our religion is destroyed!

6 HW Make a 3D model of the Jerusalem Temple

7 The following objects were offered in sacrifice to God at the Temple: Animals Bread Oil Wine Birds Clothing Fruit Vegetables

8 1.The Outer court of the Gentiles 2.The Women’s Court 3.The Priests’ Court 4.The Altar 5.The Holy of Holies A rectangular platform with 3 piles of wood:- one for burning animal sacrifice, one for making coals (for the incense) and one to burn perpetually. Only the High Priest was allowed here, to offer incense. It contained the Ark of the Covenant. God’s presence was here. Here the priests burnt the animal sacrifices on the altar, with bread and wine. They checked the animals were pure, and slaughtered them. They threw the animal blood against the altar. This is where non-Jews could come and pray. Money changers and traders had stalls here, and sold animals here to the Jews for sacrifice. Here were benches to sit on. Jesus taught here. There were boxes for donations to the Temple and a room where lepers were checked for a cure. 1.Complete any missing areas from last lesson. 2.What difference would it have made to the Jews not to have a Temple?

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