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1 POSTEL, AN INITIATIVE TO DEVELOP BIOGEOPHYSICAL GEOCODED PRODUCTS Leroy, M., Bicheron, P., Lacaze, R., Niño, F., Bégni, G. - Médias-France.

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Presentation on theme: "1 POSTEL, AN INITIATIVE TO DEVELOP BIOGEOPHYSICAL GEOCODED PRODUCTS Leroy, M., Bicheron, P., Lacaze, R., Niño, F., Bégni, G. - Médias-France."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 POSTEL, AN INITIATIVE TO DEVELOP BIOGEOPHYSICAL GEOCODED PRODUCTS Leroy, M., Bicheron, P., Lacaze, R., Niño, F., Bégni, G. - Médias-France

2 2 A BASIC QUESTION A BASIC QUESTION Why should researchers and scientists lose their time and money to pre-process raw data (definitely not their job) while they need tailored, ready-to-use information as a basis to lead their work? Why should researchers and scientists lose their time and money to pre-process raw data (definitely not their job) while they need tailored, ready-to-use information as a basis to lead their work? POSTEL is a tentative answer in the domain of biogeophysical geocoded information at global and regional scales. POSTEL is a tentative answer in the domain of biogeophysical geocoded information at global and regional scales.

3 3 POSTEL HISTORY & FRAMEWORK 1998: Working Group between the French Space Agency and Scientific Research Centre. 1998: Working Group between the French Space Agency and Scientific Research Centre.  Objective : To define a medium term leading framework to manage data & information for geosciences.  Report released end of 1999 Key recommendations Key recommendations  Data collected from space: A strong cooperation must link the Space Agency and the scientific organizations ‘thematic excellence poles’  It is mandatory to set up ‘thematic excellence poles’ to serve the national & international scientific community.

4 4 WHERE ARE WE NOW? Such ‘poles’ have to bring together on the long run capacities about: Such ‘poles’ have to bring together on the long run capacities about:  Data management and processing  Scientific expertise about data => ‘close loop’ between labs and management structures. Four key ‘thematic excellence poles’ are under development: Four key ‘thematic excellence poles’ are under development:  ETHER:  ETHER: Atmospheric chemistry  ICARE:  ICARE: Aerosols  SALTO & CORIOLIS:  SALTO & CORIOLIS: Dynamic oceanography  POSTEL:  POSTEL: Continental surfaces

5 5 WHAT MISSION FOR SUCH ‘POLES’ ?  Data management and processing (portal)  Data collection and reception  Processing (and re-processing) of raw data  Archiving data & products  Distributing data,products & software  Software evolution and maintenance  Scientific expertise  Products definition  Algorithms definition  Processing chains validation  calibration  Scienitific expolitation (modelling & assimilation)

6 6 WHAT OBJECTIVES FOR POSTEL?  POSTEL is a thematic excellence pole :  Addressing continental surfaces issues,  Fulfilling a national servicing mission in a first step,  Tailored as one of the European GMES services,  Servicing the whole relevant international community.  What are the POSTEL objectives ? biogeophysical Operational service.  Developing,validating, producing and distributing biogeophysical products about land surfaces derived from Space observations - Operational service.  Adressed scales:  Space  Space : from regional to global  Time  Time: long term period (depending on data availability)

7 7 IS POSTEL INDEED A CASE ? (1) IS POSTEL INDEED A CASE ? (1)  Earth Observation from space is heavily dependent from observation conditions : atmospheric effects, viewing angles, local time, bandwidth, etc.  Earth observation signals are also heavily dependent from ground conditions. Interactions between heterogeneous ground and electromagnetic wavelength are indeed a complex issue. Inverse problems areill-conditioned  Contribution of biophysical parameters of interest to the observed signal is often poorly understood & modelled. Too many parameters interfere. Inverse problems are ill-conditioned

8 8 IS POSTEL INDEED A CASE ? (2) IS POSTEL INDEED A CASE ? (2)  So, retrieving biophysical parameters of interest is a science and a technique in itself. Poor and scientific unlabelled retrieval techniques can only lead to poor scientific results. POSTEL  This shows that POSTEL is indeed a scientific challenge in itself. The more sources it will use, the more peer independent expertise it will solicit, the more reliable it will be for ‘downstream’ users.

9 9 WHO ARE THE POSTEL USERS?  Worldwide scientists involved in:  Multidisciplinary studies of continental surfaces, and  The role of these surfaces in carbon, water and energy cycles.  Specific GMES operational services:  Carbon cycle and climate (including KP)  Food security management,  Land use change monitoring.

10 10 POSTEL WITHIN THE EC GMES Co-ordination Management Operational Scenario Nature Spatial Planning Water & Soil Carbon Flux Food Security & Crop Monitoring Global Land Cover & Forest Change Regional MonitoringGlobal Monitoring Generic Land Cover Bio-geophysical Parameters Directives Implementation Policy Support Core Services Observatories EndUsers Coordination POSTEL

11 11 STRUCTURING THE POSTEL POLE « CONTINENTAL SURFACES » THEMATIC POLE : POSTEL Expertise Centres Network Developing Exploiting USERS Research Service Centre Biogeophysical Parameters

12 12 PRE-OPERATIONAL APPLICATION TO GMES GEOLAND Biogeophysical Parameter Core Service (CSP) CSP Service Providers IM Portugal, VITO, MEDIAS, EARS, GPCC Météo-France, U. Wien, TU. Wien, Noveltis, U. Bonn, U. Karlsruhe Research Coordi- nation MEDIAS -France GMES Services Carbone Land Cover Food Safety International Science Community

13 13 WHICH POSTEL PROJECT PORTFOLIO ? (1/3)  CYCLOPES ( FP5 & French sources, 2003-2005):  Products:  Products: LAI, fCover, fAPAR, albedo, global, 1997-2003  Developing multi-sensor chains (VEGETATION, POLDER,MERIS, AVHRR)  GEOLAND (FP6, 2004-2006): backboneGMES  The backbone of the GMES related operational services - Developed under leadership of INFOTERRA Germany  Sensors:  Sensors: VEGETATION, POLDER, AVHRR, METEOSAT, ERS/Scatt, AMSR.  Products:  Products: LAI, fAPAR, fCover, albedo, incoming radiance, temperature, moisture, burnt areas, rainfall.

14 14 WHICH POSTEL PROJECT PORTFOLIO ? (2/3)  AMMA ( FP6 & national API, 2004-2009):  Stands for “African Monsoon Multidisciplinary analysis’ low resolution surface products:  Provides this project with low resolution surface products:  Runs the CYCLOPES chain beyond 2004.  Supplies AMMA with EUMETSAT /SAF Land products.  POLDER (Cnes, 2002-2007): POLDER PARASOL  Operational production from data delivered by the multi- angle, multi-polarization POLDER sensor, formerly on- board ADEOS, now on the PARASOL mini-satellite.  Products:  Products: LAI, fCover, BRDF, albedo.

15 15 WHICH POSTEL PROJECT PORTFOLIO ? (3/3)  GLOBCOVER (DUE/ESA): /MERIS  Processing of ENVISAT/MERIS data (2005)  Products:  Products: a global land cover map, 300m resolution.  VGT4AFRICA (EC/FP6, 2005-2007): VEGETATION EUMETSAT PUMA  Operational distribution of products derived from the VEGETATION sensor in Africa through the EUMETSAT PUMA network (EUMETCAST).  VALERI (2002-2007) in-situ  Provides POSTEL with in-situ validation data for LAI and fCover products.




19 19 CONCLUSIONS Considering the dimensions of Northern Eurasia, the issues to be addressed from scientific and monitoring/management point of views (including the NEIRS/SIRS initiative):  Remote sensing is an unique tool to have a timely access to information,  Data have to be processed in a scientific assessed way to deliver useful information at proper scales,  POSTEL bring most of the relevant answers, So ……

20 20     Why not using the POSTEL products for sound scientific studies in Northern Eurasia - especially in the framework of NEIRS/SIRS ? Welcome to the POSTEL club ! The Postel Team An Invitation

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