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Foundations of Team Leadership

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1 Foundations of Team Leadership
Challenges of Leadership EQ & Positive Influence Leadership

2 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence has been defined as: The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand other people: what motivates them, how they work, how to work cooperatively with them. Intrapersonal intelligence is a correlative ability, turned inward. It is a capacity to form an accurate model of oneself and to be able to use that model to operate effectively in life. D Goleman: "Emotional Intelligence" (Bantam, 1995) & "Working with EI" (Bantam, 1998) 2a-2

3 Predictors of Effective Leadership
PEOPLE Orientation Emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to understand and manage ourselves and our interpersonal relationships skillfully - is considered an important leadership differentiator TASK Orientation IQ and expertise (cognitive intelligence- technical virtuosity- a steely personal style) are no longer considered the sole predictor of leadership effectiveness and success . D Goleman: "Emotional Intelligence" (Bantam, 1995) & "Working with EI" (Bantam, 1998) 2a-3

4 What IS Leadership? Ability to influence people in a given context
Foundations of Team Leadership What IS Leadership? Ability to influence people in a given context . In organizations, effective leadership is based on influence AND Authority &Position. It requires matching of two 2 dimensions: Top Down - Derived from positional power and characteristics of the leader Bottom Up- Derived from characteristics and needs of the group Source :J Shamsie- Michigan State-Unpublished Paper, Also see D Ulrich, J Zenger ,N Smallwood- HBS article 10d1 in Binder Section 10 2a-4

5 What Makes For a Good Leader?
Both TASK AND PEOPLE elements are key to effective leadership. . Ultimately, the degree of influence of a leader with a group is based on the congruence of the match between a leader’s behavior and the needs of the group in a given context Emotional Intelligence is what allows the connection between the leader and the people aspect of each situation 2a-5

6 Emotional Intelligence
Domains and Competencies Self Others Empathy Organizational Awareness Client Service SOCIAL AWARENESS Emotional Self Awareness Accurate Self Assessment Self Confidence SELF-AWARENESS Emotional self-control Transparency Adaptability Achievement Initiative Optimism SELF-MANAGEMENT Inspirational leadership Influence Developing Others Change Catalyst Conflict Management Building Bonds Teamwork & Collaboration SOCIAL MANAGEMENT (Knowing One’s Emotions) (Dealing with Others’ Emotions) (Managing Self Emotions & Goal Motivation of Oneself) (Handling Relationships & Goal Motivation of Others) Impact on Others 2a-6

7 SMART EQ Leadership Self Awareness Management (Own Emotions Re Goals)
Attunement (To Others) Relationship Building (Others Re Goals) Traction (Impact on People) Adapted Dr K Wasylyshyn 2a-7

8 What is the nature of the Connections Between People and the Leader ?
For a leader, a part of Emotional Intelligence is about Attitude… It is about focusing events and people into productive and positive options…by aligning to goals and purpose…. SO… 2a-8

9 SO? Do emotionally intelligent leaders have positive impact----And if so, how so? 2a-9

10 Leadership Style INFLUENCE
QUESTION… Do leaders who are “high performers” and have a “positive outlook” have INFLUENCE on people around them ? 2a-10

11 YES!!!!! Leadership Style Influence
Research indicates that leaders who have a generally ‘positive outlook’ have impact on the people around them… Does your experience bear this out? 2a-11

12 This is called DISSONANCE..
Leading Groups with INFLUENCE When LEADERS drive emotions positively, they bring out everyone’s best. This is called RESONANCE When LEADERS spawn negative emotions, they undermine the foundations that let people shine. This is called DISSONANCE.. Resonant Leaders Leader us attuned to people’s feelings Speaks authentically from deepest values The group of followers vibrate with leader’s upbeat and enthusiastic energy Group feels moved in a positive emotional direction Resonance amplifies and prolongs the emotional impact of leadership Dissonant Leaders There is a lack of harmony People can experience “flooding” to describe fight-or-flight reaction People around leader feel emotionally discordant & have a sense of being off-key Rampant anger, fear, apathy, or even sullen silence Can be yelling & other kinds of verbal abuse Burnout People take toxicity home D Goleman: "Emotional Intelligence" (Bantam, 1995) & "Working with EI" (Bantam, 1998) 2a-12

13 Effective Influence Leadership
Foundations of Team Leadership Effective Influence Leadership Influence is in part determined by trust. If people do not trust, they won’t collaborate When working with people who do not have to work with you, it is strategic to: Increase Psychological Safety Enhance your predictability by modeling Transparency & Consistency as well as Trust 2a-13

14 Keys to Effectiveness: Trustworthiness
Transparency + Consistency = Predictability Predictability + Trust = Psychological Safety 2a-14

15 Effective Influence Leadership
Foundations of Team Leadership Effective Influence Leadership Addressing Group & Individual Needs (WIIFM) Enhancing influence by empowering, giving credit and recognizing the contributions of team members Enabling and fostering Synergy in teams 2a-15

16 A Sophisticated Juggling Act
Foundations of Team Leadership Leading Through Influence & Service Being of “Service’ to the Group Through Various Means: Attentive, and As Needed, Active Listener Balancer of Advocacy & Inquiry Assuming ‘Facilitating’ Roles in Meetings Being the Default Bystander in Group Discussions Enabling Co-Creation of Common Vision, Goals & Work Approaches * A Sophisticated Juggling Act 2a-16

17 How DO You Inspire Others?

18 What Is Your Influence as Team Leader?
IF- (Every Team Leader’s Secret Hope) A laSalle- 2005 If your team keeps its head when your are losing yours Then you have done good work If your team trust you when you do not act admirably Then you have done good work If your team likes you when you do not like yourself Then you have done good work If your team can dream when your dreams run dry Then you have done good work If your team can keep trying to win, when you feel all is lost Then you have done good work If your team continues to work the “system” when you are burnt out Then you have done good work If your team continues to serve the client, when you need a break Then you have done good work If your team acts out your dream for it Then you have done good work 2a-18

19 YES!!!!! Surprise Impact of Leadership Style
Do leaders who are ‘high performers’ and have “a positive outlook’ reap benefits for themselves as well as others? YES!!!!! Research indicates that leaders who are considerate in their dealings with others are higher performers and are more satisfied with their job… Schriesheim, Chester A. "The High Consideration - High Structure Leadership: Journal of Social Psychology Myth:April 82 2a-19

20 Influence of Positive Outlook & Being of “Service”

21 Leadership Effectiveness
How do you stay ‘Positive & of Service’ in a challenging environment where… Not Much Acknowledgment Little Positive Re-enforcement Quite Unintended Consequences …sometimes exists…? 2a-21

22 What Keeps Us Going Through the Challenging Times?
Cohorts FTL Tools VISION Coaches 2a-22

23 2a-23 2a-23

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