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Semantics: the study of meaning that can be determined from a sentence, phrase or word. Pragmatics: the study of meaning, as it depends on context (speaker,

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2 Semantics: the study of meaning that can be determined from a sentence, phrase or word. Pragmatics: the study of meaning, as it depends on context (speaker, situation) 2



5  That’s the boss?  (Itu bosnya kan?)  THAT’s the boss?  (Orangnya kecil jelek tapi bisa jadi boss ya?  Is that the boss?  (yes/no Question)

6  It’s hot here! (open the window, switch on the fan/AC)  It’s cold outside! (please don’t go out)  Would you mind to open the door? (polite request)  (direct and indirect)  Lha koq kowe? (Read: keheranan)  Lha aku koq! (Read: Penegasan,lebay)  Lha koq ngono? (Read: pertanyaan)

7  John went to the book store.  John  store1, go(John, store1)  John bought a book. buy(John,book1)  John gave the book to Mary. give(John,book1,Mary)  Mary put the book on the table. put(Mary,book1,table1) LING 2000 - 2006 NLP 7

8 (1) John broke the window with a hammer. (2)The hammer broke the window. (3) The window broke. 8

9 John broke the window with a hammer. SUBJ VERB OBJ MODIFIER The hammer broke the window. SUBJ VERB OBJ The window broke. SUBJ VERB 9

10 break(AGENT, INSTRUMENT, PATIENT) AGENT PATIENT INSTRUMENT John broke the window with a hammer. INSTRUMENT PATIENT The hammer broke the window. PATIENT The window broke. www.pakfaizal.com10

11 AGENT PATIENT INSTRUMENT John broke the window with a hammer. SUBJ OBJ MODIFIER INSTRUMENT PATIENT The hammer broke the window. SUBJ OBJ PATIENT The window broke. SUBJ 11

12  1. The chicken is ready to eat  2. the shooting of the hunter occurred yesterday(penembakan pemburu itu).  3.visiting relatives can be boring  4. we saw her dog.  5. istri tentara yang genit itu tersenyum padaku.  6. colorless green ideas sleep furiously (Chomsky:1957).







19 Dialog and pragmatic knowledge – “open the door” is a REQUEST (as opposed to a STATEMENT or information-question) – It is polite to respond, even if you’re planning to kill someone. – What is `that’ in `I can’t do that’? – What is “that” in “ I really know about that”? – What is “This” in “This is just I really want in my life”? – What is “those” in “Those people are crazy”?

20  One statement I AM HUNGRY has many interpretation depends on the variety of speakers.  I AM HUNGRY for a kid to his mother: he asks for a cake or a candy.  I AM HUNGRY for a hobo or street beggar to pedestrians: he asks for a bread or “nasi bungkus” or “money”  I AM HUNGRY for a boy to a girl: namanya MODUS… (he is,in fact, doesn’t feel hungry)






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