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Published byTaryn Ponsford Modified over 10 years ago
XB YETS-2014-2015 PS-TT2 Indico 355427 EDMS 1448498
PS & TT2 Conditions During YETS Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 2 Beam stop 15/12 @ 06:00 Switch off all equipment in a controlled manner All equipment switched off, but not “consigné” PS & TT2 remain in restricted access Christmas break: Access point in «Closed» mode 19/12/2014 19:00 to 05/01/2015 8:00 32nd meeting of the Facilities Operations Meeting - YETS organisation (R. Steerenberg)
CCC staffing during YETS Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 3 32nd meeting of the Facilities Operations Meeting - YETS organisation (R. Steerenberg)
CV activities for XMAS Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 4 CircuitsStopRestart PS PS – Central building Anneau 17/12/201406/01/2015 PS – Main magnet17/12/201413/01/2015 POPS17/12/201413/01/2015 PS – Chilled waterRunning (for the linac 2) Emptying the primary circuits and cleaning of the cooling towers Repairs / Bugs fixing Necessary maintenance (filters, belt, greasing, …) Works will be performed during the closure but not in the machines (no access needed) 35 th meeting of the Facilities Operations Meeting - CV activities for XMAS (S. Deleval)
IMPACT Activity Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 5 ActivityTitleSystemResponsible 158191 Longitudinal Damper Cavity A - AccelerationMATTHIAS HAASE 258041 Inspection ligne de transfere L2 => Booster A - AccelerationCHRISTIAN MASTROSTEFANO 357824 YETS PS 10MHz cavity A - AccelerationVALENTIN DANIEL DESQUIENS 458873 Cavity 89 : reparation tuner & Cavity A - AccelerationVALENTIN DANIEL DESQUIENS 558975 Camera replacement PE.BTV16 B - Beam InstrumentationSTEPHANE BURGER 658980 Replacement of the camera of F61.BTV01 B - Beam InstrumentationSTEPHANE BURGER 758976 Replacement of the camera of FT16BTV.388 and FTA.BTV9003 B - Beam InstrumentationSTEPHANE BURGER 858644 TT2 BPM maintenance B - Beam InstrumentationJEROEN BELLEMAN 958263 PS BPM maintenance B - Beam InstrumentationJEROEN BELLEMAN 1058244 Maintenance DCCT (PS-TR34) B - Beam InstrumentationPATRICK ODIER 1158234 Mesures transformateurs PS B - Beam InstrumentationFRANCO LENARDON 1258107 Inspection of SEMgrids TT2 B - Beam InstrumentationMICHEL DURAFFOURG 1358106 Inspection of SEMgrids ITH Line B - Beam InstrumentationMICHEL DURAFFOURG 1457301 PS FWS FWS54, FWS65 exchange B - Beam InstrumentationWILLIAM ANDREAZZA 15XXXXX Drain blockage between East and PS ring??? C - Civil EngineeringRICHARD MORTON 1658632 Câblage BPM ligne BTP YETS-PS-2014-2015 E - ElectricityGEORGI MINCHEV GEORGIEV 1758196 Test PR.DHZOC18 power circuit E - ElectricitySIMON MATAGUEZ 1857856 Cablage RF 25KV (entre Bat 355 et Bat 151) E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 1957842 Cablage FGC-ETHER (Bat 355 R-005/R-021) E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2057416 Cablage RF entre Bat 353 et Bat 151 E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2157359 Câblage PS-ECLOUD (SD98) E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2256028 Test cable abimé sur porte YEPZ01.SWY=151 E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2358190 demontage vanne TA reseau EG sur station 4 F - FluidsHASSANE SABRI 2459046 PSR - Mesures Piliers vers MU's G - Survey and GeodesyTOBIAS DOBERS 2558618 Scan machine PS (suite et fin!) G - Survey and GeodesyTOBIAS DOBERS 2657762 Inspection LBS.BVT10 Handling OperationsRICHARD SCRIVENS 2759037 Blindage chicane bat.151/350 ECR??? Handling Operations DOMINIQUE BODART / SYLVAIN FUMEY 2857965 Inspection de sécurité levage Hoisting EquipmentLAURENT COLLY 2957942 Inspection and maintenance crane PS Hoisting EquipmentGILLES ROCHE ActivityTitleSystemResponsible 29589723 Visite pour mise a jour layout L - Layouts and assembliesJEAN-MICHEL LACROIX 3058972 Visite pour mise a jour layout L - Layouts and assembliesJEAN-MICHEL LACROIX 3158139 Verification septa SEH23/31 M - Magnetic ElementsANTOINE PROST 3258137 Inspection visuelle Septa M - Magnetic ElementsTHIERRY MASSON 3357419 Inspection of the magnets in LTB, LBE, LBS, BI and BTP M - Magnetic ElementsANTONY NEWBOROUGH 3458726 PS&TT2 Evacuation plan to check P - Personnel safetySIMON MATAGUEZ 35XXXXX 3 days of testing with the POPS R - Power converterFULVIO BOATINI 3658733 Inspection de sécurité générale S - General SafetyTHIBAUT GILLES 3757990 Inspection de sécurité générale S - General SafetyTHIBAUT GILLES 3857584 Inspection and maintenance SFDIN-00265 détection incendie TT2 S - General SafetyDENIS RAFFOURT 3957583 Inspection and maintenance SESEV-00230 Evacuation TT2 S - General SafetyDENIS RAFFOURT 4057482 Inspection and maintenance SESEV-00229 Evacuation PS Ring S - General SafetyDENIS RAFFOURT 4157479 Inspection and maintenance SFDIN-00266 détection incendie PS S - General SafetyDENIS RAFFOURT 4257239 RP Survey & RP follow-up YETS-14-15 S - General SafetyGERALD DUMONT 4358256 Inspection and maintenance PS Beam Stopper + SLITS T - Targets and DumpsJEROME LENDARO 4458254 Inspection and maintenance - PS Internal Dump T - Targets and DumpsJEROME LENDARO 4558252 Inspection and maintenance - PS Beam Stopper T - Targets and DumpsJEROME LENDARO 4658250 Inspection and maintenance PS RADMONs + Radfets + Batmons T - Targets and DumpsJEROME LENDARO 4758099 Inspection and maintenance ventilation extraction POPS U - VentilationHASSANE SABRI 4858073 Inspection and maintenance ventilation +reseau EG+EC U - VentilationHASSANE SABRI 4958057 Inspection and maintenance ventilation LOCAL RF ET VIDE U - VentilationHASSANE SABRI 5058125 Inspection Visuelle VRJA + jauge penning V - VacuumFRANCOIS PAUL BELLORINI 5157343 Intervention BE-OP (CPS) Y - Access systemFABRICE CHAPUIS 5258812 Inspection and maintenance Access & Safety System Y - Access systemDIDIER CHAPUIS 53XXXXX Maintenance Lift AS-35 TT2 B.269 13H-15H 18/12/14 Y - Access systemNICOLAS PEREZ 54XXXXX Maintenance Lift AS-104 B.855 13H-15H 13/01/15 Y - Access systemNICOLAS PEREZ 55xxxx Maintenance Green Spaces Service Mathieu Emmanuel Fontaine Condition: Vacuum interventions during XB for FWS54, FWS65, and C80-89 in SS89. In order to ensure a good vacuum for the ion run, interventions are requested to take place in week 51 preferably as early as possible
From 15/12 6.00 to 17/12 08.00 Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 6 2 days of testing with the POPS But with 2 breaks: o EN/EL Test safety system(Diesels). General power cut. 16/12/2014 Approx time 6.00 à 6.10 (10 mn) o RP Survey 16/12/2014 from 14.00 to 17.00 (3 hours) – 32 hours after Beam Stop Restricted access to PS & TT2 allowed from 17/12 08.00 to 16/01 17.00 BE/CO Controls Maintenance 05/01-07/01 Close PS & TT2 Ions to PS Test safety system (Diesels).
Draft planning for discussion Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 7 DECEMBERJANUARY Week 51Week 2Week 3Week 4 15161718195678912131415161920212223 Beam off 06h00 POPS tests PS – Central building rING Cooling stations maintenance POPS Main magnet PS RP patrol (32h after beam stop) from 14.00 to 17.00 (3 hours) Test safety system (Diesels). (10 ' cut) PS FWS FWS54, FWS65 exchange Cavity 89 : reparation tuner & Cavity PS & TT2 Access closed Inspection and maintenance crane PS (payload needed) Cabling campaign Access maintenance and inspections (Access points not available) Ventilation maintenance and inspections detection incendie et evacuation Blindage chicane bat.151/350 ECR??? Maintenance Lift AS-35 TT2 B.269 13H-15H 18/12/14 Drain blockage between East and PS ring??? Bldg. 352 * * ** * Blind access needed ** Sector closed
Cabling campaign Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 8 1658632Câblage BPM ligne BTP YETS-PS-2014-2015E - Electricity GEORGI MINCHEV GEORGIEV 1758196Test PR.DHZOC18 power circuitE - ElectricitySIMON MATAGUEZ 1857856Cablage RF 25KV (entre Bat 355 et Bat 151)E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 1957842Cablage FGC-ETHER (Bat 355 R-005/R-021)E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2057416Cablage RF entre Bat 353 et Bat 151E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2157359Câblage PS-ECLOUD (SD98)E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG 2256028Test cable abimé sur porte YEPZ01.SWY=151E - ElectricityPATRICK LELONG HT test septa SEH23/31 - 15/12&16/12 RF Cavities test - 05/01-16/01
Shielding block CHICANE Bldg.151 project Thursday, 4 December 2014 S. Mataguez EN/MEF/OSS Coordination Meeting for the PS tunnel and TT2 – EDMS 1448498 9 Courtesy Dominique Bodart, Frederic Delsaux If ok shielding blocks will be removed week 2 (sector closed)
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