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Unit 1: An Economic Way of Thinking Vocabulary Frontload Ms. Ramos Alta Loma High School.

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1 Unit 1: An Economic Way of Thinking Vocabulary Frontload Ms. Ramos Alta Loma High School

2 Economics Study of how ppl choose to use their lmtd resources to satisfy unlimited wants Illustration

3 Economy System to manage lmtd resources for production, distribution, & consumption of G&S

4 Illustration Positive Economics Econ that uses obj analysis to find out how the world works. Goal: advise how things ought to be done Goal: describe how things are.

5 Illustration Normative Economics Econ that applies judgment to data to recommend actions or policies Goal: advise how things ought to be done Goal: describe how things are.

6 Illustration Scarcity Condition resulting from lmtd resources but unlmtd wants

7 Illustration Tradeoff Exchange of one benefit/adv for a perceived better option

8 Illustration Cost-Benefit Analysis Way to compare costs of an action w/benefits of action. If benefit exceeds costs- it is worth taking

9 Illustration Incentive Factor that encourages/ motivates one to do something taxes, prices, laws

10 Illustration Market Any arrangement bringing sellers & buyers to do business Flea mkt eBay Victoria Gardens

11 Illustration Resource Anything used to produce a good or service workers minerals machines

12 Illustration Want Something desired

13 Illustration Marginal Cost What you give up to add one unit to an activity

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