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Owner of Express Shuttle II, Paradise of Port Richey.

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Presentation on theme: "Owner of Express Shuttle II, Paradise of Port Richey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Owner of Express Shuttle II, Paradise of Port Richey

2 Vessel Description Small passenger vessel 149 passenger capacity 3 crewmembers 65 feet long 22 feet wide 2 800-HP diesel engines

3 Typical Route of Express Shuttle II

4 Planned Route of Express Shuttle II on Day of Accident day beacon 12 marina

5 Express Shuttle II Position 100 Yards from Shore X daybeacon 12

6 Office of Marine Safety Emergency Response

7 Emergency Responders Copyright Mark L. Smith

8 Crew Response to the Fire Engineroom hatch Starboard engine hatch CO 2 valve

9 Previous Recommendation Port Imperial Manhattan Fire M-02-09: Establish firefighting training for crewmembers on board small passenger vessels in commuter and ferry service

10 Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 1-91 M-02-10: Revise Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular No. 1-91 so that it provides more in-depth guidance in training and drills for firefighting on board small passenger vessels


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