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Annual Meeting July 25 th, 2013. Agenda Annual Review Launch of New Website Special Mention Election Passing of Gavel New President Comments Q & A Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Meeting July 25 th, 2013. Agenda Annual Review Launch of New Website Special Mention Election Passing of Gavel New President Comments Q & A Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Meeting July 25 th, 2013

2 Agenda Annual Review Launch of New Website Special Mention Election Passing of Gavel New President Comments Q & A Annual Meeting July 25 th, 2013

3 Mission Lynnwood Rotary Community Foundation To provide significant financial support for local needs through long term fund development and responsible stewardship

4 Strategic Priorities Create significant impact in the community Accumulate a $500,000 endowment fund Position LRCF as worthy recipient of Rotary Senior Housing Service Foundation funds Develop a successful fund raising program Ensure Rotary is recognized for its impact

5 ROTARY CLUB OF LYNNWOOD 501(C)(4) Club ServiceCommunity Service Public ImageRI FoundationInternational ServiceNew Generations LYNNWOOD ROTARY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 501(C)(3) InvestmentFund DevelopmentFund DistributionAuditPublic Relations ROTARY CLUB OF LYNNWOOD SERVICE FOUNDATION 501(C)(3) Rotary Retirement Center Lynnwood Rotary Organizations BOARD OF DIRECTORS President President Elect Immediate Past President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 5 Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS President President Elect Immediate Past President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 5 Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Immediate Past President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 9 Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Immediate Past President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 9 Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary /Treasurer 4 Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary /Treasurer 4 Directors

6 Two Foundations The Rotary Foundation (RI) –Funding for Rotary International Projects Lynnwood Rotary Community Foundation –Funding for local projects

7 Rotary International Global Impact Polio Plus Student Exchange GSE Projects Disaster Relief Fellowship Vickie Kozuck - Chair

8 Lynnwood Rotary Community Foundation Local Impact Scholarships Early Childhood Education Other Club- designated projects Fund development to support community projects

9 2012/2013 House Project Completing our 38 th House

10 Let the good times roll – 2003$28,414 – 2004 52,659 – 2005 114,029 – 2006 146,549 Here comes the Bear Market – 2007 (26,386) – 2008 (159,885) – 2009 (27,904) – 2010 (26,140) – 2011 ( after 15K grant) 11,132 – 2012 (11,211) House Project Financial History ($264,447) $341,651

11 Equity in the House Account Equity Balance 6/30/12$370,870 Loss on Saleof #37 (11,211) Estimated Expenses (4,800) Equity Balance 5/31/13 $354,859 High Equity Balance 6/30/07 $621,800

12 Investment Committee Endowment fund increased from $314k to $360k – an increase of 15%. Martha Lake account increased from $47k to $73k.* *(timing issue – some checks have not been issued)

13 Martha Lake Community Club Scholarship Program Almost 90 years of community service

14 Martha Lake Community Club Gift Gift of a contract - $950,000 restricted to scholarships and restricted to a MLCC account Distribution of funds 2012-13 year: – Edmonds School District Early Learning Initiative, $20,000 – LRC scholarship committee, $27,000

15 Other Accomplishments Successful quick sale of house #37 to raise cash with only a small loss. Successful completion of house #38 Continued relationship with Rotary Senior Housing Foundation

16 Total Foundation Assets June 30, 2012 $1,728,680 May 31, 2013 1,800,388 Increase $71,708

17 LRCF Website

18 Special Mention Dave Thompson, Bruce Thompson, Bob Setting ‒Assuming the responsibility for managing the House Project #38 Jon Hatch, Marilla Sargent ‒Transitioning the scholarship selection and award process to the Club Committee Rob Yackel & Ken Peirce ‒For taking on additional duties as Treasurer and Secretary Jean Hales & Andrew Steagall ‒Developing the new foundation website

19 Committee Members Jim Morino, Fund Development Chair Jon Hatch, Legal Advisor, Scholarships Dave Thompson, House Committee Chair John Friends, Investment Committee Chair Dan Gualtieri, Audit/Oversight Chair Travis Snider, Fund Distribution Chair Jean Hales, Public Relations Chair Marilla Sargent, Scholarships

20 Lynnwood Rotary Community Foundation Please join me in thanking your Foundation Board of Directors for their hard work this past year

21 2013 Board Election Total of 14 Board Positions Twelve staggered 3-year terms –May serve a maximum of three 3-year terms Two 1-year terms –Treasurer –Past Club Board President

22 Continuing Directors John Friends Jean Hales Jon Hatch Jim Morino Marilla Sargent Tom Sehrer Nicola Smith

23 Nominees Jeffrey Goodwin, 1-year term as Past Club President Dan Gualtieri, 1-year term as Treasurer Pauline Gubbels, first 3-year term John Niemi, first 3-year term Travis Snider, third & final 3-year term

24 Nominees Two positions open to nominations from the floor : (3-year positions with the first term of both shortened to two years to accommodate the staggered terms requirement.) Position 1 – Position 2 – (this position is open because Dan Gualtieri is relinquishing his 3-year position in order to serve as LRCF Treasurer (renewable 1-year position)

25 Nominee Officers 2013-2014 Jim Morino - President Jon Hatch - Vice President Pauline Gubbels - Secretary Dan Gualtieri- Treasurer

26 Passing of the Gavel Tom Sehrer to Jim Morino

27 Q & A

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