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November 13, 2012. A set of informed and competent management responses to environmental (internal and external) demands that continuously improve an.

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Presentation on theme: "November 13, 2012. A set of informed and competent management responses to environmental (internal and external) demands that continuously improve an."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 13, 2012

2 A set of informed and competent management responses to environmental (internal and external) demands that continuously improve an agency’s capacity to serve its customers. Patti, R.J., (2009). The Handbook of Human Services Management

3  Patti (1977) ◦ Empirical study  90 managers  Method: Participants were asked to prioritize 13 activities according to time devoted to each in a typical work week  Cashman (1978) ◦ Conducted a study that found that human services managers spent the greater part of their time administering, communicating, planning, and implementing  Files ( 1981 ) ◦ Identified and prioritized 14 management task according to the proportion of time devoted by each of 50 human services managers

4  Secure and manage resources that are consumed by services and activities that penetrate outputs and achieves outcomes


6 LeadershipAnalyticInteractional Boundary SpanningPolicy PracticeFacilitating FuturingManaging Resources Communicating AligningLeveraging Resources Supervision TeamingAdvocating Organizing Integration of 2 previous models: Triangle of Practice Model + Core Competencies Model

7  Communicator- Impact of Technology (voicemail, email, Skype, Fax, telecommute)  Boundary Spanner- cluster of activities  Futurist- Forecast Trends; “Read the Environment”  Organizer- Aligning and Staffing  Resource Administrator-Cost accounting, pricing, operations budgeting, financial reports ◦ Managing and Levering Resources  Evaluator- Needs Assessments (new trend)

8  Policy Practitioner- Read and INTERPRET federal, state, and local policies  Advocate - 1939 Hatch Act; Policy Advocacy v. Case Advocacy  Teaming- Boss v. Coach; Stages of Development (Forming, Storming, Norming, etc.)  Supervisor- Pay attention to the small things (lunch, parking, breaks); Legal  Facilitator- “Instrument of Change”  Evaluator- I s it working? Does it align with the mission statement? Goals?


10 Organizational Type Primary Funding Source Public Government (legislative) allocations Occasional private funds for special purposes (such as Fannie Mae support for computerization) Non-profit Direct contributions (bequests, donations) Fees for services Government grants and contracts Foundations Campaigns (e.g. United Way, Combined Federal Campaign) Medicaid/Medicare For-Profit Fees for services Government grants and contracts Medicaid/Medicare

11 Incremental budgeting Zero-based budgeting Planning Programming Budgeting System Line Item Budget Functional Budget Performance Budget

12  At any given time, administrators are concerned with 3 different fiscal years: ◦ Prior, Current, and Next.  Standard fiscal years are typically: ◦ October to September (federal) ◦ July to June (state) ◦ January to December (calendar)

13 While administrators do not necessarily do all budgeting personally, they must oversee the following: – Hire and supervise appropriate personnel – Be able to talk the language and communicate with fiscal staff – Be able to select and work with external auditors

14 While administrators do not necessarily do all budgeting personally, they must oversee the following: – Associate fiscal issues with program matters and client concerns – Translate fiscal reports to appropriate auditors – Insure quality control of financial systems – Ask the right questions at the right times

15 Of the 12 core practice competencies mentioned as part of the Core Competencies Model for Management in Human Services 2 relate to finance: leveraging resources & managing resources Diversified Funding Sources

16 Be aware of recent federal legislation Follow IRS requirements Board members actively involved in all stages of the budget cycle Yearly Audit Internal Controls

17 Measures that might prevent embezzlement:  Thorough background checks of staff  Policies against nepotism  Personnel policies that require the reporting of suspected fraudulent or unethical activity  Protection of whistleblowers  REQUIRING 2 SIGNATURES ON CHECKS—Health- Reach  Regular backup of computers  Very strict policies on the use of agency credit cards—UNC-CH DEVELOPMENT OFFICE

18  Planning and Development Stage  Implementation  Budget Assessment  Cost Analysis


20 Business Administration Leadership Functional Communication

21 Business Administration Functional Communication Leadership Knowledgeable of Laws Understanding of People Critical Thinking Cost AccountingNegotiating/ Motivation Flexibility/Adaptabil ity Financial ReportingShare Info=give advice Problem Solving Budgeting/PricingEmotional Intelligence Decision Making Needs AssessmentsBoss v. CoachingDetail-Oriented Forecast TrendsEmphasize Human Element Delegation Performance Management Knowledge v. SkillsAdvocacy (Organizational)

22  The U.S. economy is increasingly mixed ◦ Services occur through the participation of public, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations  Increased competition between nonprofit and for-profit organizations  Economic downturn  Embezzlement  Staff Diversity & Cultural Competence

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