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History 1998 meeting at NCSU to discuss regionalization of small fruit efforts – VA, NC, SC, GA represented Research & extension directors from VPI,

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3 History 1998 meeting at NCSU to discuss regionalization of small fruit efforts – VA, NC, SC, GA represented Research & extension directors from VPI, NCSU, Clemson, & UGA Regional Small Fruit Center suggested – Share expertise – Coordinate research & extension

4 History Southeastern Small Fruit Center MOU – Signed in 1999 by NCSU, UGA, & Clemson – Annual dues per institution = $35,000 – Cash or in-kind (web master or coordinator salaries) – MOU renegotiated Fall 2004, effective through 2007 Mission – promote the small fruit industry through education, research and outreach through regional collaboration utilizing the expertise of the member institutions

5 History Web site - established to disseminate info on small fruits Web master initially at Clemson, now at UGA Name changed in 2000 to Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium (SRSFC) to be more inclusive for membership University of Tennessee joined in 2002

6 History SRSFC Coordinator at NCSU - Tom Monaco ( Coordinator responsible for: – Managing SRSFC budget – Overseeing web site – Managing grant program – Facilitating agent training – Organizing annual steering committee meeting – Promoting the consortium

7 Governance Administered by a Steering Committee 18 members: – One administrator from each member institution (Executive Committee) – Two faculty from each member institution – One grower from each member state – Executive Director, So. Assoc. Agric. Exp. Sta. Dir. – SRSFC Coordinator (non-voting)

8 Steering Committee Responsibilities Approve annual budget Review and rank grant proposals Assist with agent training Contribute to SRSFC web site Attend annual meeting held in conjunction with SR-ASHS meeting.

9 Accomplishments - Sponsored Agent Training Goal – enhance county agent expertise in small fruit production so they can be more effective in providing advice to growers 10 training sessions since 1999, involving 233 agents from 9 different states Provided equivalent of 5 full scholarships to each member state per training session

10 Accomplishments - Sponsored Agent Training Strawberries – 1999 - Plasticulture, 19 agents, 6 states – 2000 - Plasticulture, 34 agents, 5 states – 2003 - Anthracnose, 35 agents, 4 states Blueberries – 2001 (2) - Production, 15 agents, 3 states Brambles – 2002 - Production, 19 agents, 3 states – 2005 - Production, 34 agents, 5 states

11 Accomplishments - Sponsored Agent Training Grapes – 2001 - Wine grape production, 15 agents, 3 states – 2002 - Wine & muscadine prod, 30 agents, 4 states Site Selection – 2004 - Field site selection, 23 agents, 5 states Methyl Bromide Alternatives – 2005 - MB alternatives, scheduled for Feb. 23-24

12 Accomplishments - Grants Program Goal - provide funding to support research & extension with small fruits in member states Maximum award per PI per year is $5000 Awards first made in 2001 Outreach category established in 2004 Total amount awarded thru 2004 = $221,300

13 Accomplishments - Grants Program Grant Totals by year: – 2001 - $47,000 research – 2002 - $40,000 research – 2003 - $58,700 research – 2004 - $56,600 research + $10,000 outreach Plus $9,000 matching from IR-4 performance program – 2005 - $60,000 research + $20,000 outreach Grants/state: NC - 12, TN - 10, GA - 9, SC - 4 Most grants multistate

14 Accomplishments – Web Site Web Master - Brenda Willis, UGA ( Major revision in 2003 to make it more user friendly Hits/day = 2,059 for Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2004

15 Accomplishments – Other Activities Sponsored Grower Meetings – 2003-2005 SE Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference – 2004 Southeastern Strawberry Expo – 2002 North American Strawberry Growers Assoc. and North American Bramble Growers Assoc Cosponsored 2 FQPA pesticide risk assessment reviews in 2000 on all small fruits, involving specialists from NC, SC, FL & VA Leader in pursuing pesticide registrations for small fruits thru IR-4 and state labels

16 Challenges & Opportunities Equal distribution of research & outreach grant funds among the member institutions Continuation beyond 2007, new MOU to be negotiated in 2006 Continuity in Coordinator position – Envisioned as rotating among member states – Time commitment is about 20% – Could be burden for junior faculty – Currently a semi-retired faculty member at NCSU

17 Challenges & Opportunities Secure funds from extramural granting agencies Grow beyond current four members to serve entire southern small fruit industry – SRSFC representative will visit to discuss potential membership with faculty & administration – 25% of Hatch and Smith-Lever funds mandated for multistate research & extension – Contact Tom Monaco at or (919)515-6963 to arrange a visit

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