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All about Flukes By: Sarah Voris, Emily Haldeman, Austin Getch, and Kyle Haenel.

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Presentation on theme: "All about Flukes By: Sarah Voris, Emily Haldeman, Austin Getch, and Kyle Haenel."— Presentation transcript:

1 All about Flukes By: Sarah Voris, Emily Haldeman, Austin Getch, and Kyle Haenel

2 Symmetry Flukes have bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is where you can cut the object in half, and it has two identical sides.

3 Body image The body is a flat oval shape. The body varies on the different kinds of flukes.

4 Where they live They live in a host such as: animals, humans, water.

5 Number / names of openings They have one or two suckers.

6 How they eat When Flukes enter your body they drink your blood.

7 Oxygen Flukes absorb oxygen from the bloodstream of their hosts.

8 Reproduce They reprodce sexually. When flukes enter your body, they lay eggs in you and the eggs hatch and infect your body.

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