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Operation & Maintenance Requirements: Tips for Keeping Your Agency in Compliance Kristin Kerr, P.E., QSD EOA, Inc. New Development Workshop May 22, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Operation & Maintenance Requirements: Tips for Keeping Your Agency in Compliance Kristin Kerr, P.E., QSD EOA, Inc. New Development Workshop May 22, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation & Maintenance Requirements: Tips for Keeping Your Agency in Compliance Kristin Kerr, P.E., QSD EOA, Inc. New Development Workshop May 22, 2013

2 Outline of Presentation  Permanent Stormwater Controls that Require O&M Verification Inspections  O&M Requirements in the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit  The O&M Verification Inspection Plan  Tools for Conducting, Tracking and Reporting O&M Inspections  For more information…

3 Permanent Facilities that Require O&M Inspections  Provision C.3.h of the MRP requires agencies to conduct inspections to verify operation & maintenance (O&M) of: Stormwater treatment measures, and Hydromodification management measures

4 Stormwater Treatment Measures  Low impact development (LID) treatment systems (biotreatment, infiltration, rainwater harvesting systems) Bioretention Area (biotreatment)

5 Stormwater Treatment Measures  Vault-based systems (hydrodynamic separators, media filters, proprietary tree well filters) Media Filter Cartridge Hydrodynamic Separator

6 Hydromodification Management (HM) Facilities  Basin, tank, pipe, or vault with specially designed outlet to slowly release water. Detention basin with outlet structure

7 O&M Requirements (Provision C.3.h)  Agencies subject to the MRP must: Require facility owners to conduct ongoing maintenance (e.g., maintenance agreement). Prepare and implement plan for annual O&M verification inspections, including new installations. Conduct O&M verification inspections; provide enforcement as needed. Track and report on inspections.

8 Model Maintenance Agreement  Requires property owner to assure ongoing operation and maintenance

9 What about Municipality- owned Facilities?  O&M inspection requirements do not distiguish between municipal and non- municipal facilities.  Inspect, track and report on facilities that your municipality is responsible for maintaining.

10 O&M Verification Inspection Plan  Each fiscal year, inspect: All newly installed stormwater treatment and HM controls within 45 days of installation 20% of the total number of installed stormwater treatment and HM controls (when rounding, round up!) 20% of all installed vault-based systems (round up)  All installed treatment and HM facilities must be inspected at least once every 5 years.

11 Lessons Learned from NOVs  Round up when calculating 20 % of treatment/HM facilities per year, AND when calculating 20 % of vault systems. If your agency has fewer than 5 facilities, be sure to inspect at least one per year. Annual Reporting year July 1 - June 30th Now is a good time to verify you have your inspections completed

12 Mosquito Abatement District Coordination  List of newly-installed facilities submitted each year: To Mosquito Abatement District (MAD) Also to Regional Water Board Submitted before October 1  Countywide Program makes the MAD submittal based on info in your Annual Report

13 Tools for Inspecting, Tracking & Reporting  O&M Verification Inspection Checklist  Annual Report O&M Inspection Table  Each agency should have an internal tracking table NOT submitted with Annual Report Can be requested by Regional Board at any time

14 O&M Verification Checklist

15 Annual Report Form C.3.h Reporting Table

16 Annual Report Form  Name of facility/site inspected  Address  If newly installed  Party responsible for maintenance  Date of inspection  Type of inspection (initial, annual, follow-up, spot)  Type of stormwater treatment/HM control  Inspection findings/results  Enforcement actions taken  Comments/Follow-up

17 Data Tracking  Similar to AR Data Except…… Name of facility/site inspected Address – specific description of location of treatment/HM controls If newly installed – date of installation Party responsible for maintenance Date of inspection Type of inspection (initial, annual, follow-up, spot) Type of stormwater treatment/HM control – type and size Inspection findings/results Enforcement actions taken Comments/Follow-up – corrective actions

18 For More Information…  Countywide Program Password Protected ND page (click on “Municipalities,” then “ND”) O&M Verification Inspection Plan Template O&M Verification Inspection Checklist Model maintenance agreement  Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (click on “Municipalities,” then scroll to “Municipal Stormwater Permit”)

19 Common Issues in Inspections of Newly-Installed Treatment Measures  Purpose of inspection  When to inspect  What to look for during inspection  Common issues  Checklist for “45-day inspection”

20 Purpose of Inspection  Verify treatment measures and/or hydromodification management controls are installed per approved plans.  At a minimum, inspect those components that are visible in the finished condition.  If possible, also inspect below grade components during construction.

21 When to Inspect  Within 45 days of installation  May conduct as part of overall final inspection of constructed project  May conduct during different construction phases (e.g. inspect underground elements, i.e. underdrain, while visible)

22 Prepare for the Inspection  Review project plans to identify: The number of treatment measures and/or HM systems to be installed on the site. The locations of treatment measures and/or HM systems. The dimensions of treatment measures and/or HM systems.

23 Prepare for the Inspection  Review project plans to identify: How high flows will be managed/diverted Locations of underdrains and cleanouts Type and extent of plant cover Type of approved irrigation system In this system, high flows will enter raised inlet.

24 During the Inspection  Confirm that installation matches approved plans regarding: Total number and type(s) of facilities Location of facilities on the site Components and dimensions of facilities Request confirmation from site superintendent that biotreatment soil is per MRP specifications

25 During the Inspection  Confirm that installation matches approved plans regarding: Type and extent of plant cover Functional irrigation system (if provided) High-flow bypass or overflow path Overflow drain designed to keep out trash and debris.

26 Common Issues  Is there exposed soil? Exposed soil should be covered with 2” of mulch, except for area immediately surrounding tree trunks (roots need air).  Will vegetation block inlets to the treatment measure when mature? Turf is blocking inlet; insufficient drop between pavement and top of grade in planting area.

27 Common Issues  Is there positive drainage to the treatment measures?  Is there permanent erosion control at points of concentrated flow? Cobbles reduce erosion at entrance to bioretention area.

28 Common Issues  Are plants healthy?  Is there accumulation of sediment from construction activity? Accumulated sediment must be removed.

29 O&M Verification Checklist May be used for “45-Day inspections”; will have to use Comments section

30 Questions? Jill Bicknell, P.E. 408-720-8811 x1 Kristin Kerr, P.E., QSD 510.832.2852 x 122

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