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Smart Bridge Quarterly Progress Report #13 Task 4.2.1 - Further Refinements to GLHE Design Task 4.6.1 - Testing of a Medium-Scale Bridge Deck Heating System.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Bridge Quarterly Progress Report #13 Task 4.2.1 - Further Refinements to GLHE Design Task 4.6.1 - Testing of a Medium-Scale Bridge Deck Heating System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Bridge Quarterly Progress Report #13 Task 4.2.1 - Further Refinements to GLHE Design Task 4.6.1 - Testing of a Medium-Scale Bridge Deck Heating System June 2002 - August 2002 M.D. Smith, Ph.D.,P.E. Randy Perry & Fred Schroeder

2 Task 4.2.1 Flat Plate Heat Exchanger System –Pond pump lost prime and vault temperature dropped to 33°F –Will add controls to prevent damage in case of repeat situation. Five-Ton Slim Jim Pond Loop Installation –For performance Testing –Run in series with existing 5-ton pond loop

3 Slim Jim HX Installation

4 Task 4.6.1 Smart Bridge Software Development –Graphical Portion Designed & Implemented –“Save” Thread has been completed –“Control” Thread completed on vault system –“Control” Thread for bridge heating to be completed. (Interface with new control valve software for diverting fluid—See Smart Bridge Simulation & Control)

5 Task 4.6.1 Smart Bridge Simulation & Control –Simulate Multi-Heat Pump System with the single Heat Pump –Install header to connect the pond loops in series or individual options (5-ton Slim Jim & 5-ton Copper Coils) –Control heat to the bridge by mixing with a “no dead head” valve. Mix returns from pond and heat pump.

6 Manifold Under Bridge Deck Tee To Pond To Deck From Heat Pump 3-way control

7 Task 4.6.1 Smart Bridge System Modifications –All isolation valves, fittings and transitions have been ordered and received to accommodate the new controls system. –Valves and connections have been assembled and remaining assembly must be done in the field. –Moisture sensors to be re-bonded to the bridge deck and sealed on edges with NP1, a concrete sealant.

8 Plans for Next Quarter: Complete software “control” thread for the bridge heating, which includes the control valve software. Finalize the programming to integrate the new control scheme developed by Dr. Whiteley and group. Complete and operate the modified system and check out the data acquisition and controls to confirm the new software package. Prepare for the potential snow or freezing precipitation by running mock tests of the total links.

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