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Slide 1 (of 31) Confined Space Training Permit-Required Confined Spaces.

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1 Slide 1 (of 31) Confined Space Training Permit-Required Confined Spaces

2 Slide 2 (of 31) Confined Space Statistics  Leading cause of occupational fatalities in this country  The Standard covers 240,000 workplaces and 12.2 million workers  Workers make 4.8 million entries/year  Standard may prevent 85% of fatalities and nearly 11,000 injuries

3 Slide 3 (of 31) Definition of a Confined Space (must meet all three criteria) ‏  Limited means for entry or exit (manholes, vaults & pits) ‏  Large enough & so configured that an employee can bodily enter andperform assigned work  Not designed for continuous occupancy  Two types – Permit & Non-Permit Required Spaces

4 Slide 4 (of 31) Definition of Permit-Required Confined Spaces A confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics:  Contains or has potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere  Potential for engulfment  Internal configuration that can trap or asphyxiate entrant  Any other serious safety or health hazards (electrical, hot work, drowning...) ‏

5 Slide 5 (of 31) What is a Hazardous Atmosphere?  An atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue or acute illness resulting from the following: Flammable gas, vapor or mist in excess of 10% of the LFL Combustible dust at a concentration that is > or =LFL Oxygen concentration 23.5% Any substance with concentration > PEL Any other atmospheric concentration that is IDLH

6 Slide 6 (of 31) Permit-Required Spaces on Campus  Electrical vaults: electrical hazards, low oxygen and/or asbestos  Sewer manholes: CO, low oxygen and/or toxic gases  Storm drain manholes: CO, low oxygen and/or toxic gases

7 Slide 7 (of 31) Permit-Required Spaces on Campus (cont) ‏  Pool Pit: lack of oxygen, toxic gases and/or drowning  Sewer Tanks : toxic gases, low oxygen, drowning and/or electrocution hazards  Communication Vaults : low oxygen, asbestos and/or electrical hazards

8 Slide 8 (of 31) Non-Permit Required Spaces  Spaces that do not contain or, with respect to atmospheric hazards, have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm: Utility closets Below-grade trenches Storage vaults Utility subbasements

9 Slide 9 (of 31) Confined Spaces on Campus  EH&S, Environmental Services and Risk Management Department will jointly determine which types of spaces or specific spaces are defined as confined spaces.  All confined spaces on campus will be considered “Permit Required” until pre-entry procedures determine otherwise.  Only the Entry Supervisor is authorized to downgrade entry requirements.

10 Slide 10 (of 31) Confined Space Entry Procedures  Space Evaluation  Alternate Entry Procedures  Permit-Required Entry Procedures

11 Slide 11 (of 31) Space Evaluation  Refer to Flow Chart  Entry Supervisor must evaluate & authorize an entry  This will determine if “Alternate Entry” or “Permit-Required”  If the space is reclassified as an “Alternate Entry” then the following conditions must exist:  only hazard is the potential for a hazardous atmosphere; and  potential hazard can be eliminated through continued forced air ventilation; and  previous & current gas tests must show above two conditions are true

12 Slide 12 (of 31)

13 Slide 13 (of 31) Alternate Entry Procedures Procedure that may be used to enter a confined space if the only hazard present in the space is atmospheric in nature and: The atmospheric hazard can be controlled by mechanical ventilation alone and; The permit space will not become immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) if the mechanical ventilation should fail.

14 Slide 14 (of 31) Alternate Entry Procedures (cont) ‏  Entry Supervisor ensures space has been properly classified  Use guarding/cover/barrier to prevent falls (when removing cover)  Lock out/tag out all hazardous energy sources  Complete log  Test for O2, flammable gases/vapors and potential toxic air contaminants  Set up ventilation (supply air taken from clean source) ‏  The Entrant will evacuate the confined space if he/she becomes aware of an unrecognized hazard

15 Slide 15 (of 31)

16 Slide 16 (of 31)

17 Slide 17 (of 31) Permit Required Entry Procedures  Entry Supervisor, Entry Attendant and Entrant must participate  Inspect and setup safety equipment  Entry Supervisor establishes specific rescue procedures  Lock and tag out all hazardous sources of energy  Use guarding If removing an entrance cover  Sample and record air for hazardous contaminants  Entry Supervisor completes Permit prior to entry

18 Slide 18 (of 31) Permit Required Entry Procedures (cont) ‏  Attendant verifies acceptable entry conditions  Entrant wears retrieval equipment during entire operation  Attendant continuously monitors atmosphere & records readings with the portable gas detector  Immediately evacuate space if safety equipment fails or space becomes or has potential to become immediately hazardous  Upon completion, Entry Supervisor completes permit and files

19 Slide 19 (of 31) Potential Confined Space Hazards  Engulfment  Oxygen deficiency (19.5% or less) ‏  Oxygen enrichment (23.5% or higher) ‏  Flammable gases or vapors  Combustible dusts  Toxic substances  IDLH atmospheres  Physical hazards

20 Slide 20 (of 31) Monitoring Confined Space Air Quality  Prior to entering any confined space, prepare the gas detector  Conduct a “bump test”. Breathe into the gas detector probe and look for a decrease in oxygen concentration - should alarm  Sample air quality by slightly removing lid or through hole in lid before completely opening the space  Monitor with probe slowly at different vertical heights  Measure in the following order: Oxygen, LEL, H2S, CO  Record results on the Confined Space Entry Permit Record Sheet

21 Slide 21 (of 31) Monitoring Confined Space Air Quality (cont.) ‏  The gas detector must be on during the ENTIRE entry operation  Will be regularly inspected by the Attendant.  Record gas readings at a minimum of one hour intervals  Cease entry operations and remove entry personnel if the following concentrations are exceeded at any time: Oxygen reading less than 19.5% or greater than 22.5% Combustible gas reading greater than 9% LEL H2S reading greater than 9 ppm CO reading greater than 34 ppm

22 Slide 22 (of 31) Ventilating a Confined Space  Set up one or more blowers to provide adequate ventilation for the space. Ventilation must be forced draft discharge of clean air into space (not exhaust of space) ‏  Ensure ventilation air supply is from clean source  Allow enough time for blowers to clear the space before entering.  Ensure that the blowers remain on during the entire entry procedure. If the blower fails, the Entrant must leave the space immediately Note: this applies to both “Permit Required” and “Alternate Entry” procedures

23 Slide 23 (of 31) Types of Personal Protective Equipment  Protective clothing  Welding apron/sleeves  Respirators  Gloves  Safety glasses

24 Slide 24 (of 31) Retrieval Equipment  Rescue harness (chest or full body) ‏  Rescue tripod  Rope or cable (inspect for damage) ‏

25 Slide 25 (of 31) Department Responsibilities  Risk Management Department & Communication Services, Environmental Services and EH&S Department Establish & update written program provide training review records & provide consultation Ensure all involved employees receive training & follow procedures provide and maintain equipment maintain records

26 Slide 26 (of 31) Entry Supervisor Responsibilities  Ensure all persons involved in a confined space entry are properly trained  Evaluate and classify the confined space prior to entry  Complete the Confined Space Entry Permit (if required) ‏  Ensure canceled permits are properly filed

27 Slide 27 (of 31) Entrant Responsibilities  Completed Confined Space training  Must stay in constant contact with the Attendant (I.e. sight, voice or radio) during a Permit Required Confined Space entry  Use the appropriate safety equipment as specified on the Entry Permit

28 Slide 28 (of 31) Entry Attendant Responsibilities  Completed Confined Space Training  Obtain & install required safety equipment for Permit Required Confined Space entries  Monitor pedestrian barriers to protect entrant(s) from external hazards  Monitor the atmosphere during the entire entry operation  Must remain in position until relieved by another trained Attendant  Ensure all lockout/tagout measures (if implemented) remain in place  Responsible for ordering an evacuation if a situation develops that could endanger the Entrant

29 Slide 29 (of 31) Rescuer Responsibilities  Understand the hazards of the space  All rescues attempted by CSUN personnel will be Non-Entry Rescues (i.e. rescuer will not enter the space at any time during rescue) ‏  Retrieval equipment is required for all Permit Required vertical entries greater than 5 feet  Be certified in emergency first aid and CPR  Entry Supervisor must determine how emergency personnel will be notified  Understand appropriate entry procedures  Know how to use rescue equipment  Practice confined space rescues at least annually

30 Slide 30 (of 31) Training  All CCSD employees who participate in Permit Required or Alternate Entry Procedures including Entrance Supervisors, Attendants and Entrants, must receive training in the requirements of this program  All CCSD employees who are designated as rescue personnel must be trained in proper rescue techniques as well as CPR and First Aid

31 Slide 31 (of 31) REMEMBER...  Call Environmental Services and/or Risk Management if area is questionable  99% of entries are alternate entry  The campus/location has changed over time and is still changing, so don’t rely on past history  Use the decision flow chart each time!  Only the Entry Supervisor may downgrade  All rescues are non-entry  Be safe!

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