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The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar The future is ours! We must seize the moment!

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Presentation on theme: "The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar The future is ours! We must seize the moment!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar The future is ours! We must seize the moment!


3 The 66 th Triennium 2012-2015

4 VISION We have a VISION We will strive to make Templary the most prestigious Concordant Body for which one may petition membership

5 Mission We have a Mission : To move Templary Forward

6 Theme We have a Theme : Chivalry,Christianity,Templary, A Way of Life

7 Action Returned letters of authority for RER – – Returned us to favorable status with a few Grand Lodges who had or were contemplating taking action against us – – Allowed for restoration of normal relations with a few affected Grand Commanderies – – Returned peace and harmony within the Family of Freemasonry

8 Goal We have a Goal : To expand our beautiful Christian Masonic Order Worldwide

9 Action We are continuing to develop our Subordinate Commanderies in Brazil and El Salvador Investigating new opportunities in Latin America Working with the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons to restore the Grand Commandery of Mexico Resolved conflicts in the Grand Commandery of Romania

10 Back to BASICS Remember, we are a fraternity, a gentle craft Treat each Sir Knight as a Brother Show compassion and true caring Remember, we are a Christian Brotherhood Include our faith in our activities Remember, we are a family oriented fraternity Include our families wherever possible

11 Action Via Department Conferences, KT Magazine, and visits to Grand Commanderies we are encouraging: Treat each Sir Knight as a Brother Show compassion and true caring Include our faith in our activities Include our families wherever possible

12 What does our plan need to do? Make us more attractive to our existing members – – Programming and activities Make us more attractive to potential new members – – Masonic & Public visibility – – Promoting our Charities

13 Action These Department Conferences are highlighting – – Programming and activities – – Masonic & Public visibility – – Promoting our Charities

14 Leadership We will move our fraternity forward, not with hard and rigid plans, but by Training leaders – –Who will think for themselves – –Develop and implement Long Range Plans – –Deal with problems – –Motivate others – –Develop fluid plans as times change – –Maintain our core values – –Replace themselves

15 Action Continuing our Emerging Leaders program and inviting General Grand Chapter and General Grand Council to be partners Examining ways to test our progress – –Level 3- Mainstream in Conferences – –Level 4- Individual projects for participants

16 Pride Develop pride in our Order – –To encourage and motivate our Sir Knights – –To attract new members to us – –To become a first class organization Not a cheap, bargain basement fraternity – –To provide interesting Conclaves, not routine meetings Develop an Esprit de Corps – –Outstanding ritual teams – –Drill Teams Sets Templary apart excellent public display – –Community Service

17 Action Develop pride in our Order – –Our Sir Knights are proud to be Templars and are showing it in their Commanderies Develop an Esprit de Corps – –Ritual Competition: Texas – –Drill Team Competition: many jurisdictions – –Community Service

18 Ritual To present the most impressive ritual portrayal – –First impressions are lasting – –You only get one chance – make it the best The ritual is the glue that binds us together – –Standardized around the world – –Tells who we are as Christian Freemasons

19 Action The quality of the ritual work continues to improve. Sir Knights are working hard to present the best first impression to our candidates

20 Visibility To demonstrate that we are an integral part of the Family of Freemasonry To motivate our Sir Knights to participate To motivate Christian Masons to join To motivate non-Masons to join Masonry “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven”. – –Matthew 5:16

21 Action Through the actions of our Sir Knights we are becoming more visible in Masonic and public circles “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven”. – –Matthew 5:16

22 Communication is our Action Maintain efficient communications Key to success of any organization Using Website Knight Templar Magazine Department Conferences Visits to Annual Conclaves York Rite Information System New member packets To be available for Chapters and Councils

23 Charities-Action Greater emphasis on our Charities Knights Templar Eye Foundation 2013 & 2014 Holy Land Pilgrimage 2013 Knights Templar Educational Foundation 2013

24 Easter- Action Plan to add a mid-country service for 2013 – –Kansas City Accomplished 2013 Giving us Templar Easter Services – –East Coast – –Mid-country – –West Coast Maximum number of Templar Families sharing Easter

25 Participation To better utilize the talents of our – –Department Commanders – –Grand Commandery Coordinators 2013-14 – –College of Honors Deputies 2013-14

26 Fiscal Responsibility Action For the last two Trienniums, and now into the third, no withdrawals from Permanent Fund, allowing it to grow. Department Conference presentation for Grand Commanderies to practice fiscal responsibility

27 Make the Templar Experience – – Positive – – Inspiring – – Enjoyable – – Outstanding – – Worth belonging to Intent

28 The future is ours! We must seize the moment!

29 “Every Christian Mason should be a Knight Templar” ……..SK James Morris Ward, ME Grand Master, 1997-2000

30 The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar The future is ours! We must seize the moment!


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