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Galatians At-A-Glance Writer:Paul of Tarsus Reader:Churches of South Galatia Concerns: 1. Additions being made to the Gospel by Judaizers 2. Messenger.

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Presentation on theme: "Galatians At-A-Glance Writer:Paul of Tarsus Reader:Churches of South Galatia Concerns: 1. Additions being made to the Gospel by Judaizers 2. Messenger."— Presentation transcript:


2 Galatians At-A-Glance Writer:Paul of Tarsus Reader:Churches of South Galatia Concerns: 1. Additions being made to the Gospel by Judaizers 2. Messenger of Gospel (Paul) being attacked Debate:1. Should Gentiles follow Jewish Laws like circumcision? 2. Are we saved by:1. Works alone 2. Works plus faith 3. Faith plus works (Judaizer argument) 4. Faith alone (Paul’s argument)

3 Kix Claim Cereal No Added Junk (Pure) Mom Approved Kid Tested For Everyone

4 Paul’s Claim The Gospel No Added Works (pure) Apostle Approved Apostle Tested For Everyone

5 Paul’s Would-be Jingle We like the Gospel for what it has got (Righteousness). God likes the Gospel for what it is not (Self Righteousness) Jesus Christ died for us and that’s enough. We don’t need any of that fancy stuff. No added works, the gospel doesn’t need them No added rituals, Jesus has them beaten. (Repeat Chorus)

6 Identify Pure Gospel from Additives Laws (Added Stuff)Pure Gospel Handed down by man (traditions)Revealed by God DividesUnifies KillSaves Glorify SelfGlorify the Lord

7 Apostle Approved Grace Received Titus Grace Recognized Right hand of fellowship (Endorsement)

8 Tested Peter’s Fumble Shows Weakness of Law - divides Gospel independent of Apostle – Don’t follow an apostle, follow the Gospel Paul independent of Jerusalem 12 – Paul’s apostleship accepted

9 Pictorial Map of Galatians Source: David Pawson

10 Paul’s Claim Revisited The Gospel No Added Works (pure) Apostle Approved Apostle Tested For Everyone


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