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* Acas guidance on shared parental leave Susan Raftery

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Presentation on theme: "* Acas guidance on shared parental leave Susan Raftery"— Presentation transcript:

1 * Acas guidance on shared parental leave Susan Raftery

2 What is Shared Parental Leave? New statutory entitlement for employed parents Created from untaken maternity leave and pay/allowance if mother chooses to take less than her full entitlement Replaces additional paternity leave and pay Up to 50 weeks of leave and 37 weeks of pay (per couple) Must be taken before child’s first birthday Flexible – can be stopped and started again Each employee needs to qualify in their own right If both parents qualify can share the leave/pay Parents can be at home together or stagger their leave

3 2 weeks’ paternity 3 weeks’ SPL 3 weeks’ ShPP 26 weeks’ maternity SPL & ShPP begins Mum maternity leave Mum SPL & ShPP Partner SPL & ShPP SPLIT SPLIT Partner paternity leave 9 weeks’ SPL 9 weeks’ ShPP 6 weeks’ SPL 1 week’s ShPP SPLIT

4 Overview of SPL entitlements Purpose of the Acas guidance Guidance not Code of Practice Encourages good practice for employees in notifying Encourages good practice for employers in responding The 4 key elements

5 Contents of the Acas guidance Introduction to SPL & ShPP Shared Parental Leave: Steps for an employee Shared Parental Leave: Steps for an employer Considerations during Shared Parental Leave Other key considerations Further advice and support


7 Step 1: Discuss intentions To let employees know about their options To find out about their intentions To determine entitlement To keep dialogue open But NOT to reach an agreement….. yet

8 Step 2: Prepare and plan Consider the impact on The employee Their colleagues The work The business

9 Step 3: Discuss the notification To discuss the details To consider all points of view To agree a pattern(s) of leave But bear in mind that things may change

10 Step 4: Confirm decision Unconditionally accept a leave notification Confirm an agreed modification to a leave notification Refuse a notification (discontinuous leave only) What happens if you make no response to a leave notification?

11 Key issues from customers Qualifying for SPL Discontinuous requests Declaration notices Enhanced Shared Parental Leave and Pay schemes

12 Shared parental leave Flexible working Maternity, paternity & adoption rights Acas training courses

13 Further support in-company training bespoke solutions e-learning mediation Acas website early conciliation Acas helpline 0300 123 1100

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