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Welcome to the QI Luncheon November 15, 2002 Please sign-in!  Introductions  Status of previous recommendations  Results of Fall 2002 Evaluations Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the QI Luncheon November 15, 2002 Please sign-in!  Introductions  Status of previous recommendations  Results of Fall 2002 Evaluations Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the QI Luncheon November 15, 2002 Please sign-in!  Introductions  Status of previous recommendations  Results of Fall 2002 Evaluations Period  SHAB’s recommendations  Small group meetings

2 Status of SHAB recommendations from 2001-2002 school year n Customer Service / Patient Care Training n Evening Hours for Certain Services, such as Outpatient and Counseling n Increased Staffing in Outpatient Unit and Counseling Center n Continuing Education / Training for all Staff on Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Cultural Diversity Issues n Increased Marketing of Free Services with Tuition n Ongoing Opportunities for Students to Provide Feedback n PUHS plans a major initiative in this area. n These services are essentially available, since a Nurse Practitioner is always on duty. However, these hours cannot be advertised until extra staffing is in place. n In anticipation of the 500 student increase, every department has been asked to submit a summary of their current and projected needs. Major areas where funding will be requested include support staff and sports medicine physicians. n A training session with a nationally recognized gender identity issues trainer will be held in April for clinicians and staff. n There will be a meeting the week of January 14th to discuss how to best address these issues. n Year-round comments boxes are currently available.

3 Friendly Reminder from our EMS Providers The Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad kindly requests that if they are called, someone meet them at the door to escort them to their patient. This would prevent unnecessary delays in searching for the room #, which could compromise the advantages of early patient access.

4 This Evaluation Period was conducted Monday, October 14 through Sunday, October 20 Aims of this Evaluation Period  To evaluate student perceptions following the renovations at McCosh Health Center that took place over the summer. In particular, did the renovations reduce student complaints regarding confidentiality and waiting time?  To gauge feedback among student athletes on the staff additions at the athletic training facilities which have taken place.  To focus more in depth on the Counseling Center and its role in promoting mental health on campus.

5 Trend of # of Surveys Completed  Nov ‘02 period: 378  May ‘02 period: 432  Nov ‘01 period: 438  May ‘01 period: 242  Nov ‘00 period: 168

6 Total Number of Surveys Completed Per Department: Nov. ‘01 - Nov. ‘02

7 Demographic Data: Who is seeking care at PUHS?

8 I am generally satisfied with my visit today. Questions Common to all Departments Nov. 2002:

9 The person who scheduled my appointment was courteous and helpful.  Questions Common to all Departments Nov. 2002:

10 My problem/concern was dealt with discreetly/confidentially.  Questions Common to all Departments Nov. 2002:

11 The health care professional cared about me “as a person.”  Questions Common to all Departments Nov. 2002:

12 The health care professional was sensitive to sexual orientation, and/or gender identity, and/or gender expression.  Questions Common to all Departments Nov. 2002:

13 The health care professional was sensitive to cultural diversity.  Questions Common to all Departments Nov. 2002:

14 Reported Patient Satisfaction by Department (assessed by looking at department-specific as well as common questions)  Note: Distribution percentages were not calculated for departments with low returns because results would be statistically inaccurate.

15 New Questions At the request of Danny Silverman and Jannet Finnie and with SHAB input, two new questions were added on a separate sheet: 1.) Based on the quality of the care you received today, would you recommend this service/treatment to a fellow student/coworker? (Please Circle) YESNO 2.) For students/staff who have received care at McCosh Health Center in the past: Did you notice the renovations to McCosh which were completed over the summer? (Please Circle) YESNO If so, how did these renovations impact your care experience today? _______________________________________________________

16 Trends in Student Comments The effects of recent renovations/restructuring n Outpatient Services n The Counseling Center n Athletic Training

17 New SHAB recommendations   The lower returns this time are troubling. Let’s make a concerted effort to increase returns in each and every department next semester.   Several students have asked for increased hours at Dillon and Caldwell Training Rooms. Perhaps staff members could stagger their hours more to give more flexibility. Also for the athletic training rooms, perhaps student comments from SHAB evaluations could be used to advocate for more funding for equipment.   There is a need for updated signs throughout McCosh. Some of the ones currently in place to tell students where to go are misleading or not noticeable enough. In addition, decorative signs throughout the main floor of McCosh would create a much friendlier atmosphere.   Sign-in sheets where students can see who signed in before them should be avoided in order to protect confidentiality.   The selection of brochures and pamphlets in SECH, which several students mentioned in their comments, should be given close consideration by PUHS.   Though this has been addressed by PUHS in the past, SHAB echoes its request for increased availability of counseling in the evenings and at night. Several instances of students needing this service have been brought to our attention over the past year.

18 Small Group Meetings n Discuss department-specific issues, including overall survey results and common student praises and complaints. How will student concerns be addressed now that they have been brought to light? n How can we improve Evaluations Period and general communication between SHAB & PUHS?

19 SHAB & McCosh: Small Group Meetings

20 The Student Health Advisory Board

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