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Just the Fracks Ma’am: Fracking, Oil Sands, Energy….. & You [For web viewers: right click on the screen; you should get a menu box with the option “Edit.

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Presentation on theme: "Just the Fracks Ma’am: Fracking, Oil Sands, Energy….. & You [For web viewers: right click on the screen; you should get a menu box with the option “Edit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just the Fracks Ma’am: Fracking, Oil Sands, Energy….. & You [For web viewers: right click on the screen; you should get a menu box with the option “Edit Slides.” Choosing that option should take you to the powerpoint editing mode which will make the text for each image visible.]

2 Most of the information and images in this program Are from a recent report by geologist David Hughes Titled ‘Drill Baby Drill’ published by The Postcarbon Institute and available for Free download (big, 25 MB) at Or Google ‘Drill Baby Drill-Postcarbon Institute’ Very highly recommended for clear energy information: Our Finite World Powerpoint by Dana Visalli, posted at 2

3 Human Energy Use Through Time 3

4 4

5 Energy density of different structures 5

6 6

7 From excellent blogsite: ‘Our Finite World’ 7

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33 EROEI of Fracked Gas 33

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36 Fracking site in Pennsylvania 36

37 Flaring natural gas in Pennsylvania 37

38 Water from a house tap in Pennsylvania 38

39 1.5 myd3.5 mbd 39

40 40

41 Tar Sand Country: Athabasca River 41

42 Sand, without the Tar 42

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44 Gateway Hill-first site to be certified as reclaimed 44

45 Keystone XL and existing Keystone pipelines 45

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47 Gulf Oil Well Map 47

48 The Deepwater Horizon Spill 48

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51 Methane Hydrates 51

52 Summary: Fracking Fracking supplies 20% of US oil production (10% of consumption) and 40% of US natural gas There are only two highly productive oil shale sites, Bakken in North Dakota and Eagle Ford in Texas. Both are expected to peak by 2017 and then decline Fracking wells decline by 60% the first year and 90% in 3 years. Almost 50% of wells need replaced annually—5000 new wells/year for gas and 4000 for oil. Each well uses about 2 million gallons of water—all of which becomes polluted--and 15,000 gallons of toxic chemicals The EROEI of fracked oil & gas is low– 3:1 for oil and 5:1 for gas Most fracking sites will be depleted by 2020 52

53 Summary: Tar Sands Currently 1.7 million barrels of tar sands oil are produced daily (the US consumes a total of 18 mbd) About 10% of US gasoline comes from tar sands About 200 square miles of land has been strip mined to date. The tar sands industry uses about 44 billion gallons of fresh water per year, all of which is polluted. There are 50 square miles of toxic sludge ponds holding the polluted water used in the production process. The EROEI of tar sands is low, about 5:1 for surface material and 3:1 for the deeper (in situ) material 53

54 Conclusion: The U.S. is a mature exploration & development province for oil and gas (i.e. there are no more big fields to be discovered). This is also true for the world; there are few large reserves left to find. The U.S. cannot drill and frack its way to “energy independence.” Fossil fuels are finite, and production of new fossil fuel resources tends to be increasingly expensive and environmentally damaging. We can’t run American society as it current exists on low energy-return fuel (5:1 for fracked gas, 3:1 for fracked oil and tar sands). A new energy dialogue is needed in the U.S—but isn’t going to happen. A decrease in the size of the US economy is almost surely imminent. 54

55 Modern agriculture is a means of turning oil into food 55

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58 Would have to: P: A: T: Global population of 2 billion or less Live simply: No or few petrol-based trips....... “A mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels…” Walt Whitman 58

59 Phoenix 59

60 Power to the People 60

61 “I’m totally in favor of nuclear energy…..” 61

62 Good Planets Are Hard to Find 62

63 63

64 Most of the information and images in this program Are from a recent report by geologist David Hughes Titled ‘Drill Baby Drill’ published by The Postcarbon Institute and available for Free download (big, 25 MB) at Or Google ‘Drill Baby Drill-Postcarbon Institute’ Very highly recommended for clear, easy energy information: Our Finite World Powerpoint by Dana Visalli, posted at 64


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