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1 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Cambridge data analysis work David Ward Main focus – data-MC comparisons Using “official” reconstructed.

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1 1 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Cambridge data analysis work David Ward Main focus – data-MC comparisons Using “official” reconstructed files Up to now restricted to ECAL data TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAA A A A

2 2 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Linearity  “Official calibrations”  Select events in central parts of wafers  [-1,+2]s.d. Gaussian fit

3 3 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Linearity Mostly within 1-2%, but several obvious problems and inconsistencies, so plenty still to be done. DESY MC – missing layers

4 4 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Resolution Encouraging? Line is just to guide the eye. We can see it corresponds roughly to 15%/√E+1%

5 5 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Hit energies ?

6 6 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Hit energies DESY Run 230137 (6 GeV) Red – reconstructed with v0402 Yellow - reconstructed with v0301 What happened?? Calibration issue?

7 7 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Profiles Longitudinal – data showers earlier than Monte Carlo. Upstream material? Tungsten properties? Transverse – data seems broader than MC. Noise? Upstream material? Alignment?

8 8 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Energy in layer 1 1 GeV DESY 30 GeV CERN 40 GeV CERN 6 GeV DESY

9 9 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Depends on running conditions 20 GeV : Aug’0620 GeV : Oct’06

10 10 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Depends on running conditions 20 GeV : Aug’0620 GeV : Oct’06

11 11 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Beam profiles MC modelled as Gaussians 25m upstream. + crude trigger simulation. Not doing badly, but not right; could be affecting other comparisons.

12 12 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Energy across gaps Dip in response across gaps. MC (red) gives bigger dip. Width of gaps? Alignment in data?

13 13 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Alignment? Suggests beam tilted wrt ECAL in data (black) by about 10 mrad MC (red) generated at normal incidence; detailed structure resulting from stagger doesn’t seem to be mirrored in data.

14 14 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward Alignment study (Wenbiao)  DESY data.  Tracking in drift chambers using Michele’s code to predict position in each layer of ECAL  Plot in each layer n.b. find anticorrelation between X cog and X fit. Hence + sign above. Also overall offset.  Any evidence of misalignment?

15 15 Calice UK Analysis Meeting 23/1/07David Ward George Mavromanolakis George is at Fermilab this year. Plans include the following: ECAL position resolution; inhomogeneity; Moliere radius (using May’06 DESY data). ECAL calibration using muons (with Marcel Reinhard) Monitoring for DHCAL slice test @ FNAL; also for Japanese scintillator strip ECAL tests. Longer term - interested in ECAL/HCAL/TCMT data analysis.

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