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1 Bread of Life John 6:30-35 Bread Bullies Benefits of Bread Bona Fide Bread.

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1 1 Bread of Life John 6:30-35 Bread Bullies Benefits of Bread Bona Fide Bread

2 2 Bread Bullies  This crowd had just witnessed …  Taught by the rabbis that the Messiah would duplicate manna.  Jesus claimed to be the Messiah.  Why would they not think He would do this?  They were manipulating Him! Bread of Life John 6:30-35

3 3 Amos 8:11,12 11 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the Lord.” 12 “People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east; They will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, But they will not find it.” Bread of Life John 6:30-35

4 4 Benefits of Bread  Jesus replies to the real issue.  Moses did NOT give manna!  Manna that was given was not the true bread from the true heaven.  Earthly bread from the visible sky!  Jesus points to Himself as the true bread that alone satisfies! Bread of Life John 6:30-35

5 5 Benefits of Bread  What is important about bread?  Bread is necessary for life. You can’t do without Jesus! You can’t do without Jesus!  Bread is suited for everyone. Jesus is suited to the needs of all! Jesus is suited to the needs of all! Bread of Life John 6:30-35

6 6 Benefits of Bread  What is important about bread?  Bread should be eaten daily. Jesus satisfies with our daily ration! Jesus satisfies with our daily ration!  Bread produces growth. Jesus is our food for growth! Jesus is our food for growth! Bread of Life John 6:30-35

7 7 Bona Fide Bread  Spiritual growth comes from feeding on Jesus!  You can’t look to others as a source of nourishment!  We must not look to earthly things for our satisfaction!  How does grain become bread? Bread of Life John 6:30-35

8 8 Application Are you feeding on Jesus, drawing all the fullness from Him and growing in Christ? Jesus is “the bread of life”! Are you being made into bread so that others will know this same life? Bread of Life John 6:30-35

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