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A Quick Infomercial.  Development of College’s Action Plan on Planning and Assessment, vetting through College Senate, and approval by President’s Cabinet.

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1 A Quick Infomercial

2  Development of College’s Action Plan on Planning and Assessment, vetting through College Senate, and approval by President’s Cabinet in Spring 2009  Called for development by APAC of “guidelines and prototypes for academic programs to follow in developing assessment plans”  Development of guidelines, approval by President’s Cabinet, and distribution to programs in December 2009

3  Focus of guidelines is assessment of student learning, or student learning outcomes, in all undergraduate major and graduate programs  Programs will clearly have other goals and objectives (e.g., curriculum development, faculty achievements)  Assessment planning process intentionally tailored to fit easily into:  Program review (i.e., self-study)  Annual reporting process  Not necessary to assess all student learning outcomes every year  In fact, better to stagger these assessments, assuring some take place each year

4 I. Establishing Objectives II. Curriculum Mapping III. Assessment of Program Effectiveness Specific to Stated Outcomes IV. Closing the Loop

5  Process to begin this semester  5/3/10 – Step 1 completed  12/1/10 – Step 11 completed  Plans reviewed by APAC, with deans responsible for approving plans or requiring revisions  Programs can also submit existing plans to their dean for approval, with deans responsible for approval

6  Goal is for program faculty to reach consensus about desired student learning outcomes  Recommended actions:  Review existing outcomes  Elicit and discuss faculty perceptions of these (both actual & aspirational)  Compare with:  Institutional statements of student learning  Statements from programs at comparable institutions  Criteria from certification/accreditation agencies or national associations as appropriate

7 1. Student understands and can explain major theories of social behavior. 2. Student understands the nature and purposes of social research and understands different methodological techniques. 3. Student can apply theories and research methods to real-world situations. 4. Student can describe these issues effectively in oral and written form.

8 Students will:  Achieve an introductory understanding of the major figures and movements in both ancient and modern philosophy;  Achieve an introductory understanding of symbolic logic;  Attain knowledge, beyond the introductory level, of the literature in each of the four major areas of philosophy (History of Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics and Epistemology, and Value Theory);  Demonstrate the ability to evaluate philosophical positions critically and systematically;  Demonstrate the ability to formulate and defend philosophical positions;  Master the ability to write well-reasoned, well-integrated essays about materials recently studied;  Master the ability to conduct and present philosophical research in written form; and  Master the ability to orally defend positions taken in written work.

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