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ALCOHOL UNIT 7 th Grade Health. Alcohol-A drug found in certain beverages that depresses the brain and the nervous system.  Most common alcoholic beverages.

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Presentation on theme: "ALCOHOL UNIT 7 th Grade Health. Alcohol-A drug found in certain beverages that depresses the brain and the nervous system.  Most common alcoholic beverages."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALCOHOL UNIT 7 th Grade Health

2 Alcohol-A drug found in certain beverages that depresses the brain and the nervous system.  Most common alcoholic beverages  Beer- an alcoholic beverage that is made by fermenting barley, corn or rye.  Wine- An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting grapes or other fruits.  Liquor- an alcoholic beverage made by distillation.  Distillation- a process that uses a fermented mixture to obtain a high alcoholic content.  Proof- A measure of the amount of alcohol in a beverage.  Proof = % alcohol x 2 Ex) 14 % alcohol = 28 proof

3 Why does alcohol affect people differently? 1. Amount of alcohol consumed 2. Speed at which alcohol is consumed 3. Body weight 4. % of body fat 5. Gender 6. Feelings 7. Amount of food eaten 8. Age 9. Presence of other drugs in the bloodstream 10. State of general health

4 Blood alcohol Concentration (BAC): The percent of alcohol in the blood ..02 (about one drink per hour)- Relaxed feeling. Increased social confidence. ..05 (about 2 drinks per hour)- Reasoning and judgment are impaired. Slurred speech. Slower reaction time. Decreased muscular coordination. ..08 (3 or 4 drinks per hour)- Balance, vision, and hearing are slightly impaired. Legal intoxication in most states. ..10 (5 drinks per hour)- Reasoning, judgment, self-control, muscular coordination and reaction time are seriously impaired. People can no longer make responsible decisions. Slurred speech, walk with a stagger. Legally drunk in most states. Unpredictable emotions. ..20- Emotions are unpredictable and may change rapidly. People may go from crying to laughing very easily. ..30- Little or no control over mind and body. ..40 Likely to be unconscious, breathing and heartbeat slow down. Possible death. ..50- May enter a deep coma and die.

5 How does alcohol affect the body? HHarms the brain and other parts of the nervous system. DDestroys nerve cells and causes blackouts. AAlcohol exposes the mouth, esophagus, and stomach which could lead to cancer. IInjure stomach lining.--- Ulcer PPoison to the liver MMalnutrition- people who drink will eat less and drinking interferes with the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Nervous SystemDigestive System

6 How does alcohol affect the body? AAlcohol depresses the function of the Immune System IIncrease risk of developing illness. DDecrease the number of infection fighting cells in the body.  Female  Irregular Periods  Impair breast development  Male  Decrease size of testes  Decrease development of muscle mass. Immune SystemReproductive System

7 Alcohol and the LAW  Legal Age- 21 years old  Minor- A person under the legal age. *Minors who drink or purchase alcohol risk being arrested, fined and jailed.  Let’s check out the DUI laws!!!

8 Alcohol and Pregnancy  Miscarriage/ Stillbirth  Low birth weight infant  Alcohol Withdrawal after birth Sleeping problems, abnormal muscle tension and shakes.  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Severe birth defects Small eye openings Small head Retarded physical and mental growth Leading cause of mental retardation and birth defects.

9 ALCOHOLISM- a disease in which there is physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. DDifficulty controlling drinking MMoods and behaviors change rapidly CCan destroy social and family life. TTreatment for Alcoholism AAlcoholics Anonymous (AA) - a recovery program for people who have alcoholism. AAl Anon- a recovery program for people who have friends or family members with alcoholism. AAl Ateen- a recovery for TEENS who have family members with alcoholism.

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