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Preventive Vigilance Define Vigilance:
‘Vigilance’ means -to be watchful, to be alert – Vigilance is more about prevention and less about investigation
Preventive Vigilance Helps us To identify wrong doers
To Eliminate corruption To bring transparency / accountability in administration Early detection of frauds & Avoids wastage of Govt. Resources Main reason for frauds is – Non observance of Rules & Procedures Lack of supervision of inspectorial officials Timed out checks/ visits/inspections
Preventive vigilance - SB
Action points: Verify the PBs with the passed warrant kept in BO Ascertain the signature of the depositor with SS book In case of a lapsed warrant- contact depositor personally & enquire Whether he has received the closure amount or not ? On what date? Ensure the cancellation of the first page all the unused pages of the closed passbook in red ink by AO Rule 44 of POSB Manual Volume I
Preventive Vigilance -SB
Prepare a list of illiterate depositors and to obtain PBs for verification from them On receipt of PB from AO after entry of interest, check date stamp impression of the AO Initials of the SPM Check if, particular account number is repeatedly shown under Liability The amount received for withdrawal has been often returned by the BPM
Preventive vigilance- SB
Check -Unclear date stamp impressions -Date stamp impressions with corrections Should be viewed seriously While verifying high value withdrawal memo Contact the depositor personally Obtain and see the entry of withdrawal in the pass book Get the signature of depositor on the memorandum in token of having contacted the depositor who admits his withdrawal
Preventive Vigilance - Remittance
Always attend the BO before its opening Contact the payees without knowledge of the BPM/GDSs of the BO Contact as many illiterate payees as possible Ensure that payees of all the villages (in BO jurisdiction) are covered during MO Paid verification Check if GDSMD has received the MO amount from the BPM under acquittance in the BO journal
Preventive vigilance –Mails
Maintain liaison with Prominent citizens of the fixed & unfixed villages Panchayat presidents, School teachers and HM, VAO,PHC etc., Ensure that GDS obtains signature from prominent citizens in the Visit Book Make as many surprise visits as possible This will help in ascertaining Delivery efficiency Correct payment of MOs Timely opening & closing of the office Punctual clearance of the LBs
Preventive vigilance - Mails
Verify Genuineness of remarks on articles If intimation is served for deposit articles If the date stamp has been impressed clearly Condition of articles in deposit Any articles is kept beyond 7/14 days Details of demurrage fee collected The MOs paid by BPM personally across the counter If more MOs are shown in red ink in the BO journal. Pay attention on -The date of delivery of the VP articles -The date of despatch of the VP receipts
Preventive vigilance -Insurance
Check the following: Register of RPLI policies RPLI PBs with more defaults RPLI lapsed policies Compare the last month RPLI collection with Current month collection & with corresponding figures of last year. Contact insurants personally
Preventive Vigilance - Misc
General check of BPM’s supervision on the work of GDSMD Maintenance of the BO account by the BPM The financial status/spending behavior of BPMs/GDS MCs/GDS MDs under his jurisdiction Through confidential enquiries in the villages BPMs not availing any leave continuously list out the BPM’s supervisory duties on GDSMD/MC
Preventive vigilance - Misc
General check of Any records kept beyond its preservation period unnecessarily All the monthly schedules presented by the agents since last inspection/Visit Multiple/additional receipt books, or Journals in the BO Abnormal fluctuation in monthly total receipts/payments of BO account from last visit/inspection Rule No 9,133 of BO Rules
Preventive Vigilance -Misc
Stagger visit dates to avoid guess by BPM Avoid visiting BOs exactly on due date Always make general inquiries with the villagers about BO & GDS Collect PBs from depositors on the way to BO
Preventive vigilance – Receipt books
Verify used receipts of all kinds since last inspection/visit Check the credit particulars Check all the unused receipts If they are intact If its in duplicate/triplicate etc Note the following remarks on the back side of the last used receipt “Certified that all the unused receipts from ………….. to …………… are intact” Affix dated signature RULE NO 355 OF POSTAL MANUAL VOL VIII
Preventive vigilance - Receipt books
Check if receipts are in consecutive series Verify if the used ones are issued in chronological order Check if all receipts are prepared using double sided carbon Check if - All receipts are impressed with date stamp SPM’s certificate should be available on the wrapper of receipt book In token of having verified by him Note down the cancelled receipts numbers by SPM RULE NO 355 OF POSTAL MANUAL VOL VIII
Preventive vigilance – Receipt book
What are Spoiled Receipts? Wrongly prepared receipts Receipts with lot of corrections/ overwriting Torn/Mutilated or disfigured receipts Receipts with wrong serial number Mis printed receipts Inadvertently passed over receipts (left blank) RULE NO 22[2] of BO RULES
Preventive vigilance – Receipt books
Action to be taken – Verify the genuineness of the Spoiled receipts Check if the word “Spoiled” is written across the counterfoil Ensure despatch of the spoiled receipt to the account office check its entry in the BO journal on that date
Time for Sharing experience …..
Frauds came to light in your service
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