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Marine Environmental Protection Programs U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Programs, 0pportunities and Training February 3, 2002 Denise Mosca, BC-MEE Barry Foskit,

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Environmental Protection Programs U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Programs, 0pportunities and Training February 3, 2002 Denise Mosca, BC-MEE Barry Foskit,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Environmental Protection Programs U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Programs, 0pportunities and Training February 3, 2002 Denise Mosca, BC-MEE Barry Foskit, DVC-ME

2 Our Presentations today will focus on: Good Mate Recreational Boating and Marina Program Sea Partners Aquatic Nuisance Species 100 th Meridian Initiative

3 Good Mate Recreational Boating and Marina Program  Developed by The Ocean Conservancy with input from USCG and USCGA  A comprehensive program designed to raise awareness and promote environmentally responsible boating and marina operations through educational seminars and public activities

4 Program Documents: A Three-Section, Four-Color Manual Six Four-Color Informational Brochures A Twelve Minute Video Good Mate: Steward of the Waterways Good Mate Teaching Guide with suggested activities and test questions, used with the Auxiliary’s new Trident Program

5 Sea Partners Goal is to increase knowledge and compliance with MEP regulations, reducing pollution by oil, hazardous materials, oil and debris Auxiliarists partner with Reservists and Marine Safety Office (MSO) staff to bring environmental protection information and education to the public

6 Aquatic Nuisance Species Auxiliarists have teamed up with USCG and Smithsonian to research threat of Aquatic Nuisance Species 2001 Sample and Collection Program put in place by Auxiliary and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) 2002: Next Steps and 100 th Meridian Initiative

7 Sea Partners To present the Sea Partners Program for 2002, please welcome from Coast Guard Headquarters Marine Safety Staff Master Chief Petty Officer Linda Reid

8 Aquatic Nuisance Species  To Present the Auxiliary’s Roles in Aquatic Nuisance Species Mitigation and the 100 th Meridian Initiative, please welcome John Shanahan, DVC-MO

9 Good Mate Presentation Over last two years, the Coast Guard and Auxiliary have been working with The Ocean Conservancy to provide advice and direction on the development of the Good Mate Program Our key team members have been MCPO Linda Reid and John Shanahan, Barry Foskit and Denise Mosca of the Auxiliary

10 The Good Mate Program  The Good Mate Team at The Ocean Conservancy has been led by: Seba Sheavly, Director of the Office of Pollution Prevention and Monitoring; Charles Barr, U.S. Good Mate Program Manager; Ron Ohrel, Caribbean Good Mate Coordinator

11 The Good Mate Recreational Boating and Marina Program To Present the Good Mate Recreational Boating and Marina Program, from The Ocean Conservancy, Please welcome Charlie Barr

12 The Good Mate Recreational Boating and Marina Program

13 The Good Mate Program Materials The Good Mate Manual Educational Brochure Series Video: Stewardship Of The Waterways Teaching Guide

14 The Good Mate Manual

15 Designed to provide… recreational boaters and marina operators with valuable information necessary for understanding the importance of pollution prevention; techniques related to preventing water pollution; and how to respond to pollution violations.

16 The Good Mate Manual Divided into three sections: I.The Water Environment II.The Connection Between Water And Recreational Boating III.Potential Environmental Impacts Of Recreational Boating And Marina Operations

17 The Good Mate Manual Manual addresses six pollution issues Oil & Fuel Sewage Vessel Maintenance & Repair Solid Waste & Debris Stormwater Runoff Vessel Operation Damage

18 Educational Brochure Series

19 Six educational brochures corresponding to the main pollution topics contained in the Good Mate Manual. Oil & Fuel; Sewage; Vessel Maintenance & Repair; Solid Waste & Debris; Stormwater Runoff; Vessel Operation Damage

20 Educational Brochure Series Serve as a quick and easy reference for boaters, marina operators, and the general boating public.

21 Educational Brochure Series Each brochure describes…. the potential pollution issue; the impact (environmentally, economically); what boaters can do; what marinas can do; applicable laws; and contacts & resources.


23 The Good Mate Video: Stewardship Of The Waterways

24 Examines the potential problems related to fuel and oil, sewage, debris, and vessel maintenance associated with everyday boating activities. Boaters will learn simple and inexpensive techniques that they can follow to help protect our aquatic habitats.

25 The Good Mate Video: Stewardship Of The Waterways The video may be used as a course introduction, as well as, an additional public educational tool for use at displays, exhibits, and boating supply stores. Video Length: Twelve-minutes

26 The Good Mate Recreational Boating and Marina Program Educational Materials

27 Good Mate Teaching Guide  To Present the Good Mate Teaching Guide, please welcome BC-MEE Mosca and DVC-ME Foskit of the USCGA

28 Good Mate Teaching Guide Designed for use with the Good Mate Manual and supplemental materials to facilitate the training and education of recreational boaters, marina operators, and Good Mate Trainers Like the Good Mate Manual, the Teaching Guide is divided into Units that correspond to the Manual. It contains learning objectives, “Unit Talking Points,” 100 post-study questions, “Suggested Activities” for each unit and a glossary.

29 Good Mate Teaching Guide The “Talking Points” represent a condensation of important information contained in the Good Mate Manual “Talking Points” serve as a quick reference guide to the instructor for course planning, answering student questions and as material for a presentation

30 Good Mate Teaching Guide Unit questions provide students and instructors with a measure of knowledge retention Particularly important questions are highlighted in bold type

31 Good Mate Teaching Guide The “Suggested Activities” may be used to engage greater student involvement in the learning process In the classroom, on field trips or as projects outside the classroom Glossary of commonly used environmental terms Provides a convenient reference for students without an environmental or biological background, or for the instructor to look up answers to student questions

32 Good Mate Teaching Guide Uses of the Teaching Guide… As a source of environmental and pollution prevent information designed to supplement Safe Boating Courses Can serve as a “stand alone” clean boating course for use in conjunction with the Good Mate materials A reference guide to the Good Mate Program Material Will be made available on the USCG website through the TrainerSoft software as described by Bart Morrison, USCG Instructional Systems Designer

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