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Exemption Categories Category 1 – Industrial, farm and residential Category 2 – Storage and processing Category 3 – Permits by Rule Category 4 – Recycling,

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Presentation on theme: "Exemption Categories Category 1 – Industrial, farm and residential Category 2 – Storage and processing Category 3 – Permits by Rule Category 4 – Recycling,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Exemption Categories Category 1 – Industrial, farm and residential Category 2 – Storage and processing Category 3 – Permits by Rule Category 4 – Recycling, composting and conversion permits

3 New or Modified Definitions Agricultural Material Biodegradable Biodegradable Product Conversion Food Material Organic Material Pre-sort Putrescible Recycle Residuals or Residue Vegetative Material

4 Category 1 - Exemptions Manufacturing or industrial operations that use recyclable materials: Paper mills Steel mills Aluminum smelting operations and mills Glass manufacturing Plastic manufacturing Tire re-capping De-tinning Cement and concrete plants Foundries Asphalt batching Rendering Land application of manure at farms Disposal of trees and brush at residences

5 Category 2 - Exemptions Existing Storage and Processing Exemptions Temporary solid waste storage in dumpsters, etc Temporary storage by DPWs Occasional SW vehicle layover Occasional Non-commodity CRT vehicle layover Hospital and lab infectious waste storage areas Wood handling operations ABC Recycling operations Tire chipping, shredding or other tire processing

6 Category 2 - Exemptions New Storage and Processing Exemptions Municipal food material collection operations 1 ton per day from residents Must move often enough to prevent odors Composting Operation at a Non-Residential Location Limited to <5 tons or <10 cubic yards per week of vegetative materials, food or manures Notify BOH Agricultural material composting operations Located on a farm and registered with DAR Complies with DAR regulations and policies

7 Category 2 - Exemptions Recycling Operations handling only pre-sorted materials Recycling drop-off centers Beverage container redemption centers Paper baling and handling CRT Operations

8 Category 3 – Summary of Changes Category 3 - Permits by Rule (replaces old conditional exemptions) Modified tonnage limits that constrain recycling and composting activities Requiring certifications and annual reporting

9 Category 3 - Permits by Rule Permits by Rule for recycling operations Recycling operations handling <250 tpd (increased from 100 tpd) Operations must be enclosed Residues no more than 10% of incoming pre-sorted material Certification at start of operation and every 5 years Annual reporting Existing operations must certify within 30 days of promulgation of regulations

10 Category 3 – Permits by Rule Permits by Rule for Organics Management – General Performance Standards: Uses only source separated organics Operation must meet performance standards Ensure quality of source separated organics and products Prevent unpermitted discharges Results in no public nuisance No threat to public health, safety or the environment

11 Composting Performance Standards Proper training of personnel Proper number of personnel for size of facility Equipment is appropriate Timely and regular turning of compost to maintain aerobic conditions and prevent nuisance odors Timely incorporation of putrescible materials but no later than end of day and to evenly distribute through the pile Group Two materials no more than 30% of total windrow Maximum volume per unit are of 5,000 cy/acre Proper monitoring of temperature to prevent nuisance conditions Proper site engineering to prevent ponding, control run-off, etc. Maintain accurate records and annually report to DEP

12 Source Separated Organic Materials Table Group One materials (Non-putrescible) Group Two materials (Putrescible) Yard waste Clean wood Paper and paper products Cardboard Clean shells and bones Plant materials Animal bedding materials Solids from anaerobic or aerobic digester Food material (including any commingled biodegradable products and biodegradable paper) Agricultural material (including manures) and non-agricultural manures Vegetative material (including any commingled biodegradable products and biodegradable paper) Grass clippings

13 Category 3 – Permits by Rule Permits by Rule for Organics Management Yard waste composting <25% grass clippings by volume <50,000 cy or 10,000 tons on site at any time Maximum volume per unit area of 5,000 cy/acre Submit certification to MassDEP and BOH and annual report General composting < 50 tpd of Group 2 Materials <50,000 cy or 10,000 tons on site at any time Submit certification to MassDEP and BOH and annual report

14 Category 3 – Permits by Rule Permits by Rule for Aerobic or Anaerobic Digestion Operations Must meet similar list of performance standards as composting operations <60 tpd of SSO Off-site SSO must be delivered via sealed tanker truck using direct connection (hose) to limit nuisance conditions SSO must be added by end of day or stored in sealed tank Submit certification to MassDEP and BOH and annual report

15 Category 4 – Summary of Changes Category 4 - Recycling, composting, conversion permits (replaces old DON permits) Requiring certifications and annual reporting Enhanced the public comment process starting with MEPA Eliminating composting tonnage restrictions that limited the size of composting projects Adding a new category of exempt activities called “Conversion” which includes anaerobic digesters

16 Category 4 - Permits Recycling, composting and conversion permits Applicability If you cannot be exempted or don’t qualify for a PBR, then can apply for a permit for recycling, composting and conversion operations Pre-sorted materials only (Organics must be source separated) Operations that will process and transfer SSO for use at other operations must also get a permit Existing operations with a DON will need to certify within 5 years MEPA Propose that ENF be required for any project required to get a recycling, composting or conversion permit Propose that an EIR be required for any project that proposes to accept >300 tpd of SSO

17 Category 4 - Permits Permit Application - provide information on: Pre-sorted materials Does the material meet the test as a pre-sorted material? Sorted and not commingled with solid waste at source or processing facility Not significantly contaminated with toxic substances Separated from solid waste to maximum extent possible and in no case contains greater than 10% residual materials Organics must be source separated

18 Category 4 - Permits Permit Application - provide information on: Material Pre-sorted or source separated Description and characterization as necessary Quantity, quality and sources Site Maps showing location, wetlands, zoning Site and layout plans showing all equipment, access, etc;

19 Category 4 – Permits Permit Application – provide information on: Technology Description of processing and conversion equipment Process flow Products and by-products Description of products QA/QC plan for products Description of solid waste generated and where disposed Quantity and quality of air emission or water discharges and how managed

20 Category 4 - Permits Permit Review Criteria Application accurate and complete Is the material adequately pre-sorted or source separated and procedures in place to ensure quality Residue generation rates do not exceed limits Materials meet definitions of recyclable material or compostable material Materials can be feasibly processed and recycled, composted or converted Site is appropriate size, location No speculative accumulation of input materials or products Operation will not cause nuisance conditions Operation can be developed in compliance with all other state and local regulations (wetlands, air quality, sewer discharge, local zoning)

21 Category 4 - Permits Public Comment Process: Operations getting permit have gone through MEPA MassDEP issues a draft permit Notice to newspaper Copy to BOH 30 day public comment period Option to hold a public hearing if sufficient interest, as determined by MassDEP MassDEP issues a final permit Adding appeal language to regulations

22 Proposed Organics Projects On farm composting – Regulated by DAR – Category 2 exempt Off farm composting: < 50 tpd SSO – Category 3 - permit by rule >50 tpd SSO – Catetory 4 - composting permit A future Five Farm anaerobic digester type project <60 tpd Category 3 - Permit by rule for anaerobic digestion Large anaerobic digester > 60 tpd SSO Category 4 – Permit for conversion

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