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James and The Giant Peach Vocabulary Fifth Grade Novel Study.

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2 James and The Giant Peach Vocabulary Fifth Grade Novel Study

3 Chapter 1 and 2 Vocabulary Fifth Grade Novel Study

4 Words to Know enormous escaped nuisance permitted hag blunt spectacles mischief peculiar

5 glasses spectacles enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

6 To allow someone to do something permitted enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

7 annoying nuisance enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

8 Getting into trouble mischief enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

9 Ugly, old woman hag enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

10 Not sharp, dull blunt enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

11 To get away from something escaped enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

12 Odd or strange peculiar enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

13 Very large, big, mammoth enormous escaped mischief nuisance permitted peculiar hag blunt spectacles

14 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The cat was enormous and weighed almost 30 pounds. small large

15 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Peter escaped from his hideous aunts. loved Got away from

16 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My sister can be a nuisance when she sings on her Karaoke machine. annoying A star

17 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My parents permitted me to go to the concert. go angry allowed

18 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The man with the tatoos was peculiar. strange interesting

19 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The old hag yelled at us on Halloween night. dog Old woman

20 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My knife was blunt and would not cut my steak. sharp dull

21 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My grandmother has to wear her spectacles when she reads. Magnifying glass glasses

22 You’ve got it!

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