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ARLINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Problem-Oriented Policing North District Update and Initiatives May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "ARLINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Problem-Oriented Policing North District Update and Initiatives May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARLINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Problem-Oriented Policing North District Update and Initiatives May 2007

2 Overview  Action History – North Watson Motels  Results/Current Status; Legal Action  Operation Spotlight  Watson/Division Corridor  Comprehensive Initiative  Tools Needed  Ordinances  Other Innovative Tools  Recommended Next Steps

3 Action History – Statistics  High volume of calls exhausted police resources  Three motels on North Watson  1175 N. Watson – Executive Inn  1181 N. Watson – American Inn  1195 N. Watson – Arlington Inn  October 24, 2005 – March 20, 2006:  Narcotics reports/arrests – up 267%  Total arrests – up 115%  Total calls for service – up 40%  87% increase in Part I crimes (aggravated assault, robbery)

4 Action History – Complaints  Tourists/visitors and their children were being approached by drug dealers and prostitutes  Guests would request refunds to find a safer location, only to be denied by motel management

5 Action History – Initial Meetings  Nuisance Abatement Team  Police, Fire, Code Enforcement, Housing, Legal, and Municipal Court  Meetings held with property owners Aug. 2005  All 3 locations continued inattentive and/or non-compliant position

6 Action History – “The Sign”  To alert visitors/community members about this focus area, a large sign was placed that read, “High Crime Location, Report Activity, Call 911.”  Significant media attention  Many contacts and partnerships were created

7 Results – Current Status  Reduction in drug calls (62.5%) and total calls (31.8%)  However, current crime rate at these 3 hotels remains more than 7 times higher than other nearby hotels  1,303 calls at these 3 hotels vs. a total of 178 calls at four nearby hotels (Lamar/Brookhollow Plaza)  Management continues pattern of non-compliance

8 1175 N. Watson – Recent Violation  One recent violation  Citation issued for smoke detector being removed  Annual re-inspection to be conducted soon  Citations will be issued for noted violations that have not been corrected

9 1181 N. Watson – Recent Violations  8 life safety code violations /3 code violations  Fire lane not maintained  High grass  Unclean premises  Too many banners  On site car sales without permit

10 1195 N. Watson – Recent Violations  7 life safety code violations/2 code violations  Stagnant pool water  Inoperable emergency phone  “No Drugs” sign altered

11 Legal Action  Cases prepared by Nuisance Abatement Team  1181 N. Watson and 1195 N. Watson  Texas Attorney General accepted cases and filed law suits  Owners of both locations claim general denial  Cases move into “discovery” phase  If cases are successful, courts may close locations for up to one year. Property owners may post a bond and continue to operate under court ordered stipulations

12 Operation Spotlight  Watson Road is the north doorway to the Entertainment District  Division Street runs through the heart of Arlington  Comprehensive initiative for the Watson/Division corridor to address:  Prostitution  Homelessness  Drugs

13 Prostitution is a Problem  Systemic Problem  Crime  Assaults, Aggravated Assaults, Drugs, Robbery, Motor Vehicle Burglaries, etc.  Dangerous Health Impact  Sexually Transmitted Diseases  Negative Economic Impact to Area  Quality of Life Issues  Homeless Camps, Panhandling

14 Action History – Prostitution  Traditional Enforcement Efforts  Arrests and Sting Operations  Narcotics Enforcement  Traffic Enforcement (DL Checks)  Nuisance Abatement Team Action  Code Enforcement  Tax Review (hotel, property, etc.)  Homeless Camp Eradication Efforts (new)  Car Lot Target Hardening Efforts (new)

15 Goals  What do we hope to achieve?  Eliminate prostitution  Reduce “open-air” prostitution offenses by 50%  What will it take to achieve the goal?  Identify resources necessary to reach an acceptable level of success  Utilize business and community partnerships

16 Partnerships on Watson/Division  7 of 14 motels on Division St. have partnered with us to reduce offenses and improve quality of life  18 of the 69 auto dealerships along Division St. have agreed to assist with “target hardening” initiatives to help reduce offenses

17 More Partnerships  North District Pilot Project meeting scheduled for May 24 with stakeholders to define priorities and boundaries  Renewed partnership with Six Flags Mall  Partnerships established with The Huffines Group and Bird's Fort Foundation  Regular meetings with ACVB and hoteliers  Hospitality Cluster for the Chamber of Commerce  Citizens on Patrol group  Action North to study and provide insight in addressing BMV's on restaurant row

18 Target Areas  Target Locations  Hotels on North Watson Road  Hotels along Division Street  Target Prostitutes  Impact supply through enforcement and prosecution  Target Market  Impact demand through enforcement  Target Conditions  Poverty, drugs, sexually oriented businesses

19 More Tools Needed  Multi-disciplinary, interdepartmental approach  Traditional enforcement, nuisance abatement, code enforcement, etc. being utilized  More tools/resources to remediate the problem  Ordinances under consideration  Other innovative tools

20 Ordinances Under Consideration  Prostitution Mapping  Civil Exclusion  Legal Issues  Require Hotels/Motels to Identify Guests  Model Ordinance in San Antonio  Aggressive Solicitation (Panhandling) Ordinance  Defines “Aggressive;” Restricts Certain Actions  Loitering for Purposes of Prostitution  Allows Restrictions of “Advertising” Behavior

21 Other Tools – Public Information  Post cards  Website  Public Service Announcements

22 Still Needed  Comprehensive social service delivery network  Address criminogenic conditions such as substance abuse, temporary homelessness, familial issues, coping skills, reentry  A one-stop, non-profit sector operated “shop” to provide temporary housing, social and employment services and life skills training

23 Recommended Next Steps  Continue holistic strategy to these systemic problems  Adopt ordinances  Public information campaign  Nurture non-profit sector partnerships  Engage business community  Measure progress and adjust strategies as necessary

24 End

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