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Business Impact on the Environment: Mitigation through Resource Efficiency Roger Wilson.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Impact on the Environment: Mitigation through Resource Efficiency Roger Wilson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Impact on the Environment: Mitigation through Resource Efficiency Roger Wilson

2 Noise & Other Nuisance Releases to air Discharge to Water Discharge to Sewer Nuisance Ground Contamination: Solid Waste:

3 The UK GovernmentIndustry and businesses You, personally Your local community 1. No influence11102617 2. A little influence13174540 3. Some influence21 29 4. A large influence5250712 Don't Know3313 How much influence do you think … can have on limiting Climate Change? How concerned are you about the impact of Climate Change in the UK? National Research

4 European Commission Data …  “… raise concerns that householders can do little to save the environment.  Instead, big companies need to cut their carbon dioxide emissions if climate change is to be halted.”



7 Solutions to Climate Change  Adapt to changes  New products  New processes  New lifestyles  Mitigate the causes  Consume less  Be more efficient  Change our behaviour

8 Solutions?  Adapt to changes  New products  New processes  New lifestyles  Mitigate the causes  Consume less  Be more efficient  Change our behaviour

9 Government Action  To change our behaviour  Legislation  Taxation  Support

10 Trends in Environmental Legislation  Dilution is the solution to pollution (up to 1970s)  Treatment is the solution to pollution (1980s)  Prevention is the solution to pollution (1990s)  Producer responsibility is the solution to pollution (2000s)

11 Noise & Other Nuisance EPA Part III ‘90 COPA ‘74 Releases to air EPA ‘90 PPCA ‘99 Clean Air Act ‘93 Discharge to Water WRA ‘91 Oil Storage Regs Anti-Pollution Works Regs Discharge to Sewer Water Ind Act ‘91 Nuisance EPA Part III ‘90 Ground Contamination: EPA Part IIA ‘90 Cont Land Regs ‘00 Solid Waste: EPA Part II ‘90 EP (DoC) Regs ‘91

12 Waste

13 Site Waste Management Plans  Voluntary Code of Practice launched July 2004  Incorporated into Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005, Part 5 Chapter 3 Section 54  Required by some LAs under planning process  Formal consultation 2 April until 9 July 2007  Parliamentary process after consultation  Expected to come into force – 6 April 2008  Mandatory, but expected to be self regulatory

14 SWMPs & Construction Process Newbuild Refurbishment Demolition Protocol Planning Design out waste Recycled content Contracts Contractors Materials

15 Plan to Avoid This! Poor housekeeping Poor risk management Health & Safety Environment Poor financial control

16 Landfill Tax Year(s) Active Waste £/tonne Inactive Waste £/tonne 96-9972 99-00102 00-01112 01-02122 02-03132 03-04142 04-05152 05-06182 06-07212 07-08242 08-09322.50

17 What is Envirowise?  Government Programme est.1994  FREE & CONFIDENTIAL help for all businesses  Promotes better environmental practices that reduce business costs through a focus on  Resource Efficiency  Shows that environmental improvements can actually  Save Money  Reduce – Re-use – Recycle  Waste Management Legal Advice

18 Resource Efficiency Making the most of available resources: raw materials, water, energy, equipment, fixed assets Thereby reducing waste and increasing profitability of industry & commerce

19 Waste Hierarchy  Eliminate  Reduce  Re-use  Recover  Recycle  Energy  Compost  Dispose  Treat & dispose Highest Priority Lowest Priority

20 Industry Sectors Ceramics Electronics Engineering Food & Drink Foundries Furniture Glass Construction Metal Finishing Paper & Board Plastics Printing Retail Supply Chain Speciality Chemicals Textiles Commerce

21 Average 4% of turnover for manufacturing. Up to 15% of project cost for construction. True Cost of Waste Waste Disposal Costs & Taxes Poor Quality/Damaged Raw Materials Energy, Water & Labour Costs & Taxes Time Managing Materials, Rework & Waste Poor Work & Rework Wasted Raw & Consumable Materials Design Driven Waste True Cost of Waste

22 Rules of Thumb Savings Year-on-year savings:  Manufacturing  1% of turnover or  £1000/employee

23 Envirowise Services  Helpline  Publications  Workshops & seminars  Website & e newsletters  Site visits to businesses  Water Technology List  Support for BSOs, RECs & SCPs  Signposting to local services  FREE & CONFIDENTIAL

24 Helpline  Freephone 0800 585 794  Any environmental or resource efficiency question  2 hours free specialist advice  Signposting to other sources of information - especially local  Requests for publications  Requests for visits

25  News  Events  Publications  Interactive Helpline pages  Regional information pages  REC map and information  Email notification of what’s new  Links to other sites


27 Resource Efficiency in Practice Commitment to Action Organisation for Action Baseline Options for Improvement Actions Monitoring & Review Dissemination Preparation Journey

28 Scope to Save COLUMN 1 Resources and services COLUMN 2 Quantity COLUMN 3 Cost per year £ COLUMN 4 Scope to save % COLUMN 5 Estimate of scope to save £ COLUMN 6 Ranking of priority (Highest = 1) Raw materials: First most used Second most used Third most used All other materials Packaging Ancillary materials Consumables Energy: Electricity Heat for process and space heating e.g. gas and fuel oil Vehicle fuel Water Trade effluent Solid and liquid waste 1 to 5% 10 to 90% 5 to 20% 10 to 30% 5 to 20% 10 to 30% 20 to 80% 10 to 50% Total

29 Waste Mapping

30 Boxes, Shrinkwrap & pallets Water Energy Effluent Peelings / scourings/offcuts Flavour losses Waste cleaning materials Effluent Mud Potatoes- green - undersized - sprouting Potatoes Chipco Ltd - Process Flowsheet Storage Washing / Sorting Energy Scouring/Shaping Flavourings Cleaning materials Foil Packaging Offcuts Water Waste oil Product losses Scrappackaging product Scrap packaging Energy Oil Energy Slice / Agitate Fry Flavour Boxed Warehouse Air Dry Oven Pack Air Dry Oven Salt Water Rinse Salt Water Water Salt

31 If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it! How will you know if you have won? You cannot  Identify options  Prioritise options  Justify investment  Motivate

32 Gloucestershire RECs  North – centred on Tewkesbury  South - centred on Stonehouse  Contact details  Alex Steele  University of Gloucestershire  Tel: 01242 714 563  Email:

33 Action Plans – register interest TODAY Helpline: 0800 585794 Carole Bond, Envirowise SW Regional Support 01225 852533 Paul Gilbert, Envirowise SW Regional Manager 0870 190 3832 Envirowise Contact Details

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