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1 Mediation and Quality of Life Schiphol region 4 October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mediation and Quality of Life Schiphol region 4 October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mediation and Quality of Life Schiphol region 4 October 2012

2 2 Airports and quality of life Schiphol airport mediation Alders table QLAIR project Evaluation Content

3 3 Airports and quality of life Quite a puzzle

4 4 Airports and Quality of Life Three elements

5 5 Airports and Quality of Life Three elements The three elements form the basis for: The Mediation process ( Alderstable) in the Schiphol region The ARC – project Quality of Life in Airport Regions

6 6 Schiphol airport mediation

7 7 Commission Noise Hindrance Schiphol (CGS) Complaints registration and response Commission Regional Consultation Schiphol (CROS) Institutional Current operations Regional stakeholders Alders Table Informal, but with large political impact Future balance between aviation and region National and regional discussion Regional Board Schiphol (ORS) Merging of CROS and Alders Table Meeting and exchange/Negotiation Schiphol airport mediation

8 8 Alders Table National/regional coordination Alders Table Ministry of Infrastructure and Mobility Residents AF-KLM Schiphol ATM (LVNL) Municipalities Regional authorities Provinces

9 9 Alders Table National/regional coordination Agreement of all/most stakeholders on Schiphol’s future (short/medium/long term) Development of the airport Reduction of (noise) nuisance Investments in surrounding area / quality of life

10 10 Alders Table Large political impact Alders Table Minister of I&M Parliament Implementation Advise Policy proposal

11 11 May 2007: Signing of Quality of Life Contract EUR 30 mln budget  Ministry of Transport  Schiphol Airport  Province Noord-Holland Collective, spatial focused projects Individual cases Alders Table Quality of life Independent foundation

12 Alders Table Quality of Life Foundation –Solving individual cases –Mediation for individual solutions: Moving arrangements Insulation measures Fixing roof tiles

13 Alders Table Quality of Life Foundation Helping with the development of plans for investments in deprived areas and villages Bottom up with residents (this is a requirement for financing by the foundation) Co-financing by local authorities

14 14 NL regional authorities seek European level playing field QLAIR project

15 15 QLAIR project

16 16 QLAIR project Europeanlevel Playingfield Regionalandlocal capitalisation Bestpractices Innovation

17 17 QLAIR project

18 18 Evaluation Evaluation items 1Information& Communication aEasy access bRadar tracking cNoise complaints procedure dNew inhabitants eStakeholder forum (governance) 2Ground noise aApplicable bPolicy cSolutions 3Mitigation& Investment aMitigation/isolation of houses bCompensation cInvestment 4Operational aPredictability of flights bNight flights Has the European level playing field been realised? Have the quality of life issues been tackled in other European airport regions?

19 19 Evaluation QLAIR partners and other relevant regions

20 20 Evaluation Other airport regions

21 21 Conclusions Level playing field is realised especially with respect to the direct competitor airport regions. Regions with smaller sized airports have less QLAIR activities. Other airport regions (outside QLAIR) show also increasing quality of life policies. Difficult to develop EU best practices or directives. Recommendations Close cooperation with larger airport regions (UK, GE). Implementation action plan QLAIR. Involvement of ACI, AEA by means of partner airports and airlines to develop industry standards. Evaluation

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