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Israel’s Environmental Policy 2013-2014 EU-Israel sub-committee on Transport, Energy and Environment EU-Israel sub-committee on Transport, Energy and Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Israel’s Environmental Policy 2013-2014 EU-Israel sub-committee on Transport, Energy and Environment EU-Israel sub-committee on Transport, Energy and Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel’s Environmental Policy 2013-2014 EU-Israel sub-committee on Transport, Energy and Environment EU-Israel sub-committee on Transport, Energy and Environment 18 June 2014

2 Main Goals 1.Strengthening the link between Society and Environment 2.Promoting Green Growth strategy 3.Recycling revolution: Transforming waste from nuisance to resource 4.Prevention of risks to the population from exposure to air pollution and hazardous substances 5.Education for sustainable lifestyles

3 Strengthening the link between Society and Environment Strengthening the link between Society and Environment Main mission:  Improvement of environmental infrastructure and waste management in the geographic and social periphery. Legislation & Governmental Decisions launching of: – a social Covenant for environmental Justice between the Government and citizens; – a voluntary program for Environmental national service; – budgetary support for enterprises providing social and environmental services and the creation of a new platform for the provision of information and cooperative projects with civil society Amendment to the Maintenance of Cleanliness Law (July 2013) Government approved a NIS 100 million plan for preferential investment in waste treatment in minority communities, i.e. Arab, Druze and Bedouin communities (March 2014). For the Bedouins: The Government approved NIS 40 million for a waste treatment plan for the Bedouins, and another NIS 42 million to fund waste collection and other environmental necessities in Bedouin communities Also planned: a NIS 16 million plan for the rehabilitation of rivers and streams within close proximity to the Bedouin communities

4 Promoting Green Growth strategy Integrated environmental licensing An important component of the national plan for green growth In April 2014, Government approved MoEP's plan to streamline all existing environmental permits into one integrated permit Integrated environmental licensing will significantly reduce bureaucracy for factories and plants, and will bring Israel's environmental standards more in line with European Union ones

5 Well-being indicators December 2012: government approved a resolution to measure quality of life and well-being in the country A three-part process was initiated in 2013: › A consultation forum was set up to formulate, among others, recommendations on domains, indicators, methodologies, and public participation › Intersectorial teams were appointed to identify sub- domains and indicators for each of the nine domains › A public participation process was initiated which presents the recommended domains, sub-domains and indicators to the public for review and feedback October 2013 MoEP published a report on “Well-being, Sustainability and Resilience Indicators”

6 Recycling revolution: Transforming waste from nuisance to resource The recycling revolution gathers pace € 200 million incentives for separation at source, recycling centers, waste to energy etc. in 2008 - 2014 42 local authorities (1,000,000 citizens) now separate domestic waste into two streams: organic and inorganic. The MoEP has allocated €100 Million for these local authorities More than € 29.6 million for building facilities to generate electricity and produce fertilizer from separated food leftovers € 10.4 million were allocated for international tender for PPP (private-public partnership) waste-to-energy (WtE) facility, the largest plant in the Middle East, and one of the largest in the world Between 2011-2014, 55% of the budget was allocated to local authorities - more than NIS 760 million. This plus the NIS 100 million that was allocated to treat waste in minority communities brings the percentage to 60% Implementation of the Packaging Law

7 Recycling revolution: Transforming waste from nuisance to resource legislation The Electronic Waste & Batteries Law (entered into force last March) Banning Free Plastic Bags at Supermarkets - under preparation (Israel lags behind many countries in this area and we intend to change the situtation) environmentally damaging practice Construction and demolition waste (under preparation) - Promoting certification for recycled construction and demolition waste

8 Prevention of risks to the population from exposure to air pollution and hazardous substances Achievements Achievements Government decision to build an ammonia production plant in southern Israel Government decision to build an ammonia production plant in southern Israel Government Approved National Air Pollution Prevention Plan PRTR- Pollutant Release and Transfer Register PRTR- Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Pollutant Release and Transfer Register was officially launched on December 1, 2013.

9 Education for sustainable lifestyles and changing consumer behavior 2014 Implementing sustainability in the education system - a joint program with the Ministry of Education ( € 1 million) MoEP allocated € 2 millions for activities in the formal and informal education system in municipalities Certification of green educational institutions ( € 0.75 million) Special program for environmental education for the Bedouin community – € 1.9 millions for 5 years Program for environmental education for the Arab community (30 municipalities, € 6.4 millions)

10 EU – ISRAEL activities in the field of environment

11 Participation in EU Regional Programs and Projects Horizon 2020 Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation SWITCH – MED: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production Sustainable Water Management (SWIM) ENPI Share Environment Information System (SEIS) SAFEMED III : Maritime Safety and Prevention of Pollution from Ships CES –MED: Cleaner Energy Saving Mediterranean Cities Integrated maritime policy for the Mediterranean (IMP – MED)

12 H2020- Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme 2013 - 2014 – Regional Trainings 2013 Innovative wastewater treatment and reuse Sustainable food production and clean processing technologies Country strategies to move from low levels of recycling to 50 % 2014 Sustainable olive oil: clean production and waste management Faecal Sludge Management Supporting the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean Strengthening the Bond Between People and Rivers 2013-2014 - Participation in other Forums Ad Hoc H2020 Steering Group Meeting 6th H2020 Steering Group Meeting 4th H2020 Capacity Building Sub Group Meeting

13 SWIM - Sustainable Water Integrated Management 2013 SWIM-SM Third Steering Committee Meeting Enforcement of water legislation and study tour in three European Countries 2014 Cost Assessment of Water Resources Degradation Techno-political Dialogue On Desalination In The Mediterranean Clima South: Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation First and Second Steering Committee Meeting of the Clima South Project National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and MRVs Increasing capacity on international climate change policy making Improving access to Climate Change Information

14 SWITCH – MED: Switching to more sustainable consumption and production Two workshops held in Israel: National Strategies for Sustainable Consumption and Production, December 2013 Policy Tools for Circular Economy June, 2014EMSA The Ministry signed the Conditions of Use for using the EMSA Satellite Based Oil Spill and Vessel Detection Service CleanSeaNet Participating in the relevant trainings


16 TAIEX 2013 National Inventory Reports (together with CBS) - study visit2014 Public procurement of Green Buildings - study visit Economic aspects of contaminated soils - workshop Environmental emergency alert system - study visit The ecological status of streams and rivers - expert mission Environment and health - expert mission Low Emission Zones - workshop (approved by the EU, under preparation) Contaminated soils – workshop National ecosystem assessment - workshop

17 TWINNING Ongoing TWINNING EU-Israel Twinning Project on IPPC & PRTR Establishment and Implementation of a System of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and a Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Towards new TWINNING Improving and modernizing environmental regulatory and management tools for the Israeli industry – Regulatory tools for SMEs, Resource efficiency, Eco- Management and Audit Scheme

18 UfM UfM ministerial meeting on Environment and Climate Change, May 2014 Participation (ministerial level) at the Ufm- French Senate-Forum for Peace meeting for promoting regional cooperation and peace (Paris, July 20, 2014)

19 Thank You

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