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Housekeeping Tidy up lab space

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1 Housekeeping Tidy up lab space
Discard razor blades & used slides in labeled waste containers Discard/clean-up Analine blue slides Ensure fans, cords, etc. are neat and away from walkways No food. Ensure analine blue and acid containers are closed

2 Announcements First plate is due today
Transfer to lab computer Get instructor feedback Discard foul water/nasty seaweed Don’t leave seaweeds in closed containers (i.e., baggies) Use fans to speed-up herbarium drying Overnight While we’re in the field

3 Logistics Tuesday, 15 July Wednesday, 16 July Thursday, 17 July
AM: Introduction to Green Algae (Wysor) PM: Gracilariaceae & Gracilaria spp. (Fredericq) Wednesday, 16 July AM: Orders of Green Algae (Wysor) PM: Gracilariaceae & Gracilaria spp., cont’d (Fredericq) Thursday, 17 July AM: Turf Algae & Endophytes (Wysor) PM: Crude isolations for Algal Culture Friday, 18 July Off day…SCUBA? Saturday, 19 July AM: Trees, Phylogenies & other ventures on the dark side (Freshwater) Sunday, 20 July AM: Poly- & Neosiphonia: Molecular assisted morphological analysis PM: Finalize Plates Monday, 21 July AM: plate presentations All plates due by 12:00 PM: Tuesday, 22 July AM: 8am departure for Zapatilla snorkelling (no lecture) (cameras, no baggies) PM:Wrap-up/Clean-up lab Wednesday, 23 July (Last day of class) AM: Wrap-up/start to panic/pack/clean-up lab PM: finish panicking/update on barcoding progress Thursday, 24 July: Departure

4 Chlorophytes - “grass” green algae

5 Nuisance Algae - “Green Tides”
Codium fragile aka: Deadman’s fingers aka: Oyster theif

6 Nuisance Algae - “Green Tides”
Ulva bloom in Greenwich Bay, RI

7 Nuisance Algae - Hull Fouling

8 Trentepohlia sp. - an orange Chlorophyte
Carotenoid pigments, such as Astaxanthin & -carotene impart orange color

9 Haematococcus sp. - an orange Chlorophyte

10 Commercial Astaxanthin Production
Haematococcus pluvialis

11 Commercial Astaxanthin Production

12 Chlamydomonas nivalis - a red snow Chlorophyte
Alaska, USA Sierra Nevadas, USA For more information on snow algae:

13 General Characteristics of Green Algae
Variation in algal thallus (algal body) filaments (filamentous) Ulothrix: an unbranched, uniseriate, green algal filament (Ulvophyceae: Ulotrichales)

14 General Characteristics of Green Algae
Variation in algal thallus (algal body) siphonous or coenocytic: one large multi- (or uni-) nucleate cell Bryopsis: a siphonous, multi-nucleate, unicellular green alga (Ulvophyceae: Caulerpales) No cross-walls.

15 General Characteristics of Green Algae
Variation in algal thallus (algal body) siphonous or coenocytic: one large multi- (or uni-) nucleate cell Acetabularia: a siphonous, uni-nucleate, unicellular green alga (Ulvophyceae: Dasycladales) Codium fragile: a siphonous, multi-nucleate, unicellular green alga (Ulvophyceae: Caulerpales)

16 General Characteristics of Green Algae
Variation in algal thallus (algal body) parenchymatous blade Ulva: a parenchymatous, distromatic blade (Ulvophyceae: Ulvales)

17 General Characteristics of Green Algae
Variation in algal thallus (algal body) pseudoparenchymatous blade Anadyomene: a pseudoparenchymatous, blade (Ulvophyceae: Cladophorales)

18 Parallel Evolution of Thallus Form - Uniseriate Filaments
Ulothrix Class: Chlorophyceae Ulvophyceae See also G&W: Fig. 17-8

19 Parallel Evolution of Thallus Form - Monostromatic Blades
Class: Ulvophyceae Ulvophyceae Order: Ulvales Ulotrichales Genus: Ulvaria Monostroma See also G&W: Fig. 17-8

20 Phylogeny & Synopsis of Green Algae
Prasinophyceae marine flagellates primitive (ancestral type) green algae Chlorophyceae FW, terrestrial lots of unicells/colonies, e.g., Volvox Trebouxiophyceae Terrestrial, fw lichen symbionts (among others) Charophyceae FW land plant (drier green algae) sisters Ulvophyceae Marine, macroscopic seaweeds (among others)

21 Given the problems associated with convergent evolution (parallel evolution of thallus form)…
what types of (really conserved) features might be used to differentiate major groups of organisms? What are some features common to all organisms/groups of organisms?

22 Flagella Ultrastructure of Green Algae
See also: G&W. Fig. 9.8c

23 Ultrastructure of the Flagellar Apparatus

24 Understanding Basal Body Orientation
Orientation is assumed to be top-down

25 Understanding Basal Body Orientation
Flagellate cells in the UTC clade have a symmetrical, cruciate root systems with variable #s of alternating rootlets. 2-microtubule rootlet Basal body: cylindrical basal portion of flagellum lying within the cell 4-microtubule rootlet

26 Understanding Basal Body Orientation
2. Microtubule rootlets anchor basal bodies to cytoskeleton 3. A cruciate (cross-shaped) arrangement of rootlets is shown (X-2-X-2); ( )

27 Understanding Basal Body Orientation
4. There are 3 main variations in the orientation of basal bodies, when viewed top-down (anterior-posterior direction) 5. Orientation is a round a line drawn parallel to and between basal body axis

28 Clockwise Displacement of Basal Bodies
Chlorophyceae CW Clockwise 1:00 - 7:00

29 Counter Clockwise Displacement of Basal Bodies
Ulvophyceae CCW Counter-clockwise 11:00 - 5:00

30 Understanding Basal Body Orientation
Chlorophyceae Ulvophyceae Trebouxiophyceae Clockwise 1:00 - 7:00 Counter-clockwise 11:00 - 5:00 Directly opposed

31 Flagellar Apparatus in Classes of Green Algae


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