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The Collaborative Research Project Changing Perceptions of Security and Interventions Approach and Main Results Dr. Tony van Vliet.

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Presentation on theme: "The Collaborative Research Project Changing Perceptions of Security and Interventions Approach and Main Results Dr. Tony van Vliet."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Collaborative Research Project Changing Perceptions of Security and Interventions Approach and Main Results Dr. Tony van Vliet

2 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.12 Overall CPSI Model Actual securityPerceived security Media Background

3 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.13 Perceived Security Measuring (van Noije) Data Warehouse (Knegt) Results + Monitor (van Hemert) 6 factors Actual security Perceived security Media Background 1.perceived probability (perceived probability that people will become the victim of threat, violence, theft of car, burglary, etc.; six items) 2.fear (feelings of un-safety or insecurity at home and in the neighborhood; five items), 3.apprehension for property crime (level of unpleasantness when people think about the possibility of becoming a victim of property crimes such as burglary; five items), 4.apprehension for personal crime (level of unpleasantness when people think about the possibility of becoming a victim of personal crimes such as rape; five items), 5.perceived consequences of property crime (perceived seriousness of consequences of property crimes such as theft car and burglary; four items), 6.perceived consequences of personal crime (perceived seriousness of consequences of personal crimes such as rape and threat; four items)

4 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.14 Actual Security Measuring (Police Records) Data Warehouse (Knegt) Results (van Hemert) Categories…. Actual security Perceived security Media Background Threats Theft of cycles Theft of cars Theft of other vehicles Burglary from vehicles Burglary from business Burglary from storage Burglary from home Drug crime Abuse Assault Other property crime Robbery Mugging Shoplifting Material damage Pick pocketing Sex offenses Nuisance Neighbour nuisance Drug nuisance Traffic accident Traffic nuisance

5 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.15 Background Measuring (CBS) Data Warehouse (Knegt) Results (van Hemert) Categories… Actual securityPerceived security Media Background Population density km2 Dwelling density km2 N of inhabitants N of households N of inhabitants P dwelling % Men Age % Indigenous Birth rate Death rate N of owned dwellings N of dwellings social rent N of dwellings private rent Average disposable income Average disposable income workers Average disposable income household Benefit WWB (until the age of 65) Benefit WWB (65 and older) Registered crimes

6 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.16 Media Measuring (RSS feeds & questionnaire items) Data Warehouse (Knegt) Results (van Hemert) Media topics… Actual securityPerceived security Media Background Man-made disasters Discrimination Drugs Economic downturn Natural disasters Property crime Several Terrorism Violence & vandalism War & conflict

7 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.17 Some overall results part 1 Actual securityPerceived security Media Background

8 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.18 Some overall results part 2 Actual securityPerceived security Media Background

9 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.19 Some overall results part 3 Actual securityPerceived security Media Background

10 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.110 Some overall results part 4 Actual securityPerceived security Media Background

11 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.111 Some overall results part 5 Actual securityPerceived security Media Background

12 Garmish, March 2010 CPSI WP 5.112 Conclusion CPSI method works Combining data sources facilitates insight Resolution postal codes allows for complex analyses without compromising privacy (van Gorp) Makes assessment of interventions possible (resolution….) Implementable at city level or higher

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