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Gomory’s cutting plane algorithm for integer programming Prepared by Shin-ichi Tanigawa.

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Presentation on theme: "Gomory’s cutting plane algorithm for integer programming Prepared by Shin-ichi Tanigawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gomory’s cutting plane algorithm for integer programming Prepared by Shin-ichi Tanigawa

2 Rounding does not give any useful result

3 We first solve the LP-relaxation

4 Optimize using primal simplex method



7 The optimal solution is fractional

8 (1) Generating an objective row cut

9 (weakening) (1) Generating an objective row cut

10 (weakening) (1) (2) (for integers) Generating an objective row cut

11 (weakening) (1) (2) (for integers) (2) - (1) Generating an objective row cut Cutting plane is violated by current optimum solution

12 (weakening) (1) (2) (for integers) (2) - (1) (substitute for slacks) Generating an objective row cut

13 The first cutting plane:

14 A new slack variable is added:

15 The new cut is added to the dictionary

16 Re-optimize using dual simplex method


18 A new fractional solution has been found

19 (1) Generating a constraint row cut

20 (1) (weaken) Generating a constraint row cut

21 (1) (2) Generating a constraint row cut (valid for integers)

22 (1) (2) (2) – (1) Generating a constraint row cut

23 (1) (2) (2) – (1) Generating a constraint row cut

24 The second cutting plane

25 Add a new slack variable:

26 The new cut is inserted into the optimum dictionary

27 Re-optimize using dual simplex method

28 The new optimum solution is integral

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